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About PhilipR

  • Birthday 10/09/1966

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    Pirates, Art, Rum, Me Wife, Rum, Horror, Fantasy, Rum, Readin' books 'n stuff, Can't remember if I mentioned it or not but Rum.
  1. One of me favorites is "On Stranger Tides" by Tim Powers. It's both fun and excitin' and had zombie pirates long before POTC! The book is out of print now but well worth lookin' for.
  2. Me mates an I always been partial to "The Bristol Channel Jamboree" performed by The Pyrates Royale when we be headin' out. Then one wes start ta drinkin' tis time for The Pyrates Royale's "Drink A Rum". 'Course anything by The Pryates Royale be great for sailin' or drinkin'!
  3. Thank ye Barbados Sam. Tis how I make me doubloons me bucko whilst waiting on me ship to sail.
  4. Ahoy! It do me heart proud thar be so many "Sea Artist" among us. Philip www.artbyphilip.com
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