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Everything posted by Leatherneck

  1. oooohhhh thats a good one has to be some kind of pirate movie though. I'm gonna have to think about this one. . . because i just keep get pirates of the carb in my head.
  2. Now don't be givin' the lad a bighead. tis with his height, he mitin' tip over!
  3. George bush, saddam hussein, and osama bin laden are walking on the beach to decide what to do about the war between them. As they are walking along the beach they come upon a genie lamp. Saddam picks it up as the 2 rub it and a genie pops out. The genie says" well i would normally give you 3 wishes but since there are 3 of you i will grant you each one a wish" saddam says " i will go first since i saw it. I want all my people to live in Iraq and no one to bother us and I want 100 ft. wall around Iraq so no one can leave or come into our country. " Then POOF!!! saddam is gone and his wish is granted. Osama says" well thats a great idea, i want my people to live free from westernization and not be bothered. so I want a 200 ft. wall put around my country and all my people to live safe with in those walls and no one can get in or out!" Then poof!!! Osama is gone and his wish is granted. Bush says" wait a minute, saddam and all his people are in Iraq, and no one can get in or out?" Genie says " yes." bush says" and Osama is back in his country and no one can get in or out of there?" genie says " yep." bush says" can we fill both those up with water?"
  4. Look what i just found How do sea navigators measure their ships speed and here is what i found Records from 1917 (Bowditch) indicate that the official U.S. Navy sand glass measured 28 seconds, and that knots were spaced out exactly 48 feet (or 8 fathoms - a popular length unit of that time). With this setup, ship's speed could be measured with an error of about 1.5%. This is speed relative to the water and assuming that the wood panel does not get pulled significantly from the place where it was initially dropped and that the rope does not stretch - all of which actually does happen and should be accounted as sources of error. Not to mention the problem of sea water currents adding or subtracting from the actual ship's speed relative to land.
  5. I'm guessing about a minute or less because the rope would have to be pretty freakin long foranything more then that
  6. redwood forest
  7. Here goes the first of many jokes!!!! 2 jews walk into a bar???? THEY BUY IT!!!! Thank you, I'll be here all night, try the steak.
  8. That was a good one, i haven't heard that one before
  9. I have no idea, but I want to say "The sweetest thing"?
  10. That looks like a good movie, I think i actually might watch it with out hitting the fast forward button. AAARRRGGHHH!!!!
  11. Well Ojai was awesome for me and damn that pirate petee for getting me into this pirate mess. I LOVE IT!!! I had a great time in Ojai with me and me lady and me shipmates. Just adding more to me costume so I's can fit in with the rest of you nasty folk!!! I hope to meet up with all of you and thanks for the food Diego that was some great Carnitas!!!
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