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Mad Mary Meg Anne

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About Mad Mary Meg Anne

  • Birthday 07/28/1955

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  • Location
    So Cal
  • Interests
    Pirating,Costuming,Stapling & hotgluing.<br>Ships, Film & all things Irish.<br><br><br><br>As the two boys walked sorrowing along, they made a new compact to stand by each other and be brothers and never separate till death relieved them of their troubles. Then they began to lay their plans. Joe was for being a hermit, and living on crusts in a remote cave, and dying, some time, of cold, and want, and grief; but after listening to Tom, he conceded that there were some conspicuous advantages about a life of crime, and so he consented to be a pirate. <br>(The Adventures of Tom Swyer, 1876).

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  1. Ahoy Agin Royaliste, ye may kindly disregard that previous post. I aven't got the heart ta wake 'im. Methinks my planning skills are way too ADD fer much Piratin.
  2. Ahoy Royaliste! Me plans seem to be fallin apart. Me partner just finished working all night on a commercial & I can't seem to raise anyone at Campground/Visitors Office. I'm thinkin of chuckin it all & lettin the scalliwag sleep...........but, just in case I talk im inta comin fer the drinkin & carousin & there's no camp ranger in site, any chance o crashin on yer deck? (I am a PRP applicant & we will be in costume). ( and o course assuming that ye happen ta notice this in the midst o all the piratin goin on around ya at the moment)
  3. I'll be lookin fer ya Royaliste. Didn't make it out on "Talk Like a Pirate Day" But eye luvs the Buccaneers of Catalina. Anyone else going? Thinking of attempting to campout fer the night, thereby not having to worry about the last boat back to the mainland. Anyone camped there?
  4. Let us not forget, despite the hard to pass up good deals AND despite their recent attempt to improve their image in New Orleans, Walmart be a Pirate business unto itself. What with it's blatent union busting, racist /sexist promoting practices, and the destruction it wreaks on local business. THIS pirate refuses to shop there outa principle.
  5. Avast Royaliste, must offer me apologies, It was the lovely Christine that I met on yer decks at Dana Point. (Kathy was the PRP met up wid)
  6. Firstly, silk does not necessarily mean slippery. There are many diff fabrics made from Silk. 2nd.... BLIMEY MacNamara! Don't get yer britches in a half hitch. I believe that the reference to Compton was an attempt at humour, inasmuch that ye don't want ta be wearin a bandana - "colours" type o thing in certain gang infested areas of Los Angeles. Relax Man it's only Piratin
  7. Well, I be sayin, sez I, that ye procure fer yeself a bit o fancy ribbon what ye be taken a likin to. Unroll it, gather it up,& fan it out as ye would wit a deck o cards. Then ye plaster it ta the side o yer hat wid a hot glue gun......... ......not ta be oppositional or anyting.......but I yam a pyrate. ....( & proud proffesional costumer to the entertainment industry)
  8. AND...... is the Royaliste participatin in an event at the harbor? Or will ye also be partying at theWhale's Tale?
  9. Ahoy there! Anyone else headin to the "Whale's Tale" or the Royaliste at the channel Islands Harbor on Monday?(See the post in Raids, since I don't know how to quote)
  10. .....And Blackhearted Pearl, ye be from Arizona? Don't tell me ye come all that way for events?
  11. Why, how kind of ye both . Blimey! Even a map! Had the pleasure of boarding the Royaliste in Dana Point, & meetin up wid the lass Kathy. Bought a lovely poster of yer ship. Tis highly romantic sailing a real pyrate ship from port to port, and I be following yer adventures in this here forum . I'd be mighty pleased to meet you all on Monday.
  12. So, if ye please, for a newbie, where exactly is the Channel Islands Port? In relation to The Valley, LA. Was in Dana Pt for a bit last weekend, & don't know how much more me aging transportation can take. Any of ye mates heard of Talk Like A Pirate Day goings ons in LA?
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