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Meg Wardell

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About Meg Wardell

  • Birthday 07/29/1980

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    I have been fascinated by history for as long as I can remember! (Ever feel like you were born a few centuries too late?) I'm especially fond of American and British histories. <br>My love for the sea began at a very early age. I like to blame my father for that! You see, he has a soft spot for the sea and well just about everything that goes along with it. I suppose his feelings just sort of trickled down onto me, 'cause right out of school I enlisted with the US Navy (following my father's footsteps)! I've travelled the world a bit, and even lived in Cornwall for a couple of years.<br>I'm also a self-proclaimed role playing gamer geek! Right now, I'm participating in three online play-by-post games and one involving lots of scratch paper and dice. I've never been given the opportunity to participate in a reenactment, but believe me I would saw off my right arm to do so!<br>I'm married to a sailor and we are raising a beautiful little girl. I teach Sunday School and sing in my church choir. I'm quite a shutterbug, and I read just about anything I can get my hands on. Oh and I work as a CNA.
  1. "Thank you, Sir." Meg shrugged her shoulders slightly and said, "No, I don't mind." She turned to tend to her chores.
  2. The young woman smiled. "Sit...I'll look after this," she said indicating the breakfast. "I can visit my friend later. It is good to hear that he's up and about again. Maybe tomorrow morning you'll be finding him here instead of me!"
  3. "Good morning, Sir," she greeted cheerily. "You're too kind," Meg added in regards to the coffee. She offered the man a scone. "Lazarus is a much better cook. Do you know if he's made any progress?" She watched Diego hoping he'd have good news to tell her.
  4. I'm working on a project and I was just wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction for information on sailors and courtship in the 17th-18th centuries...any help/comments are appreciated! Thanks!
  5. Meg studied the poster and the face of the man before her. Her mind flooded with thoughts. If she decided to go on with her indenture, she would at least be guaranteed a bit of land in the end. Should she sign on with the Watch Dog, she would most certainly live the adventurous life she longed for. She took a deep breath and firmly replied, "Sir, my request still stands."
  6. "Of course, Sir," she said with a nod to the Captain's request. She followed him into the ward room and waited for him to speak.
  7. Avon (you know...'Avon calling!')
  8. The young woman thought for a moment. "Do you know the Mingulay Boat Song?" She hummed a bit of the tune for her before softly starting to sing the lyrics. Heel yo ho, boys; let her go, boys; Bring her head round, into the weather, Hill you ho, boys, let her go, boys Sailing homeward to Mingulay What care we though, white the Minch is? What care we for wind or weather? Let her go boys; every inch is Sailing homeward to Mingulay. Wives are waiting, by the pier head, Or looking seaward, from the heather; Pull her round, boys, then you'll anchor 'Ere the sun sets on Mingulay. Ships return now, heavy laden Mothers holdin' bairns a-cryin' They'll return, though, when the sun sets They'll return to Mingulay.
  9. Thought I'd share a photo taken of myself and my husband. Not really a costume, but still cool...click on the thumbnail to get a better picture...
  10. "I'm feeling much better, thank you. The surgeon tells me that Lazarus will be fine with time. The slave remains silent, but seems well enough." She looked past the chaplain and noticed his efforts in the galley. "Lazarus was a cook on the Warrington Hart," she mentioned hoping that Tempest was right about him. "Is there anything I can help with?"
  11. Meg found her way into the galley. "Good mornin'," she greeted Diego quietly, still somewhat shy.
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