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Tatu Ni'all

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About Tatu Ni'all

  • Birthday 07/19/1971

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  • Location
    Annapolis, MD
  • Interests
    Axes, ships, axes, raiding, plundering, axes, pistols, cutlasses and axes
  1. "That National Geographic movie was not accurate as far as the facts shnwn on Blackbeard's life and death. They left a lot out and changed many things. Check the topic about it on this forum. OTOH the details on shipborad life etc. was fairly accurate. " Its very difficult to put together an all incompassing project together when you only have two hours to do so. My point was not to add credit to the NGC's show (which I liked) but to provide in example of the different views of how Blackbeard died. Whether you agree or not with their take on the show is not in question. They got their facts (however they chose to use) from somewhere.
  2. "...the man who killed Blackbeard was a highlander with a broadsword. Sad but true" I think this is still pretty much debated. If you go down to Key West and visit Pat Croce's Pirate soul musuem, that is the tale they tell. If you watch the National Geographic show on it, they show Blackbeard dying on deck. I would be interested in how that breaks down on who think which tale is true...
  3. Cire, Its not ignoring the evidence. I think I have stated well enough that Kass has done some great work in her research but it is a presentation of what she has found, based on her interpertations and ideas she has formulated. That is not to say, someone would not research the same topic from a different angle or find other evidence which Kass may not have come across in her research. So suggesting hers is but a well researched theory and not "gospel" is not ignoring what she has discovered at all.
  4. Kass, I understand research, I have been doing such in my professional life for about 15 years...unfortunately I have not been able to make a living researching various parts of history, working on it...but has not happened, yet. That said, what I have found is most things are not black and white. Here we differ and thats fine. Where you say there is no evidence to support their existance, I could say there is nothing to suggest they didn't exist except for evidence has not yet been found to support it. But there could be many factors as to why that was so. Common pirates were not known for their journaling skills. Its also possible "slops" as we have come to know, started out in another form, long pants or some variation cut down for whatever reason. Much like the jeans shorts example. Six months is quite a long time to research a particular subject and you are to be commended but its also likely you have only covered but some of the information available and the rest remains unknown at this time...which makes it hard to put a definate on anything. It is a strong supported theory however and does demand attention.
  5. I guess what I do not get and I by no means am trying to make hay but I guess I am anyway is, you say you have no personal agenda, yet whenever there has been some other theory (and yours is also a theory)mentioned, it seems to be all but dismissed. History is not that concrete. I've been following this thread for a bit and while you say hey, wear slops if you want to, but don't call it GAoP, you are suggesting yours is the only research worth merit. From what I have gathered from these and other posts you have a vast knowledge of fabrics and clothing in general, certainly more than I. I guess it just comes across to me as you are suggesting there is no middle ground and I find that hard to "get."
  6. Foxe's picture dated 1738 looks pretty close to what we have come to consider "slops", aren't they? So is it hard to assume said individual was not wearing those in years prior? I guess I understand what is being said about concert proof, but I'm just have a hard time buying there were "slops" close to 1680 and soon after 1730 but that no one wore them during that time period. It's like saying some sailor was wearing them on Dec 31 1679 and on Jan 01 1680 he decided he was no longer going to use said "slops". Bellbottoms were the rage during the 70's and all but disappeared during the 80's only to make a resurgence in the mid to late 90s. Could the same thing not have happened during this period as well?
  7. A friend of mine was telling me scientists in Australia are raising two Architeuthidae squids since none have been observed alive. I'm not sure the status of said Architeuthidae but it sounds pretty cool. I was in Florida for a vist and at the Mote Aquarium http://www.mote.org/ they have a 25 foot perserved squid. It's pretty darn large.
  8. Well said Bilgemunky. It would be great to see something we all would think is spot on but that is very diffcult with money often being the bottomline. I think having these shows (True Pirates, Blackbeard, Conquest) all help expose pirates and hopefully raise interest which could mean more fests for us to invade. LOL Cheers! Tatu
  9. You will find quite a few in these parts. Seems to be more than a handful of ships which cause havoc for unsuspecting merchant ships.
  10. Aye Lassy, The same...and the turtles and tomahawks are doing fine and well. A most excellent piece of work. I can not thank you enough. How be ya? Cheers! Tatu Ni'all FM, GBP
  11. Good Sir, While we did not have a chance to speak directly, I was very entertained by your songs, your look and of course your cannon. Please know I hold you and yours in high regard and I look forward to one day tipping mugs with ye. Thank you very much. Cheers! Tatu Ni'all FM, GBP
  12. As has been mentioned, the rain was a bit of a damper on Saturday but cleared up quite well to allow us to have dinner on the Kalmar Nyckel, then back to camp for song and drink. While singing shanteys after fireworks, a crowd formed and for the next 30 to 40 mins, we moved over to the edge of the camp and sang with the crowd. There were quite a few potential powder monkeys to be had, but alas, we had to give them back. Maybe that was a good thing. LOL Huge props need to go out to Blackbeard's crew, not only for allowing me to partake in events with them, but also for the overall flow of things in spite of the weather. New friends were made and good times were had and I certainly look forward to seeing said crew again in the future. THANK YOU! Tatu Ni'all First Mate, Great Bay Privateers
  13. If'n you check the PA Ren Faires Site, they list near by hotels. There is one nearly right across the street from faire, gives a discount and is nice, not some seedy old truck stop from 60 years ago. http://www.parenaissancefaire.com/
  14. We shall keep watch...till then friend!
  15. (Actually, we're a scurvy bunch of misfits; however, its all in the marketing...) We launched in the spring of 2006, a small band of folks who have met and gather at faires for some time and were looking to go to the next level. So our merry band has started out, guided by a few old salty dogs and a eagerness to learn and eventaully teach. We base out of Annapolistowne, Maryland and are always looking for new (or at least new to us) mates to add to the learning and merrymaking. Feel free to visit our yahoo group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GreatBayPrivateers/ Cheers! Tatu Ni'all FM, GBP
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