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Captain Chelle

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About Captain Chelle

  • Birthday 07/14/1970
  1. Very cool Mr. Corbett. let us know if its a garb friendly establishment.
  2. I'd be interested in that. A couple of my crew mates have stated that they wouldnt be interested in cruising, but otherwise they're all ready for rowdyness to ensue.
  3. My Webpage And here's one of me taken several years ago. But if you go to the whole folder there are tons of pics of me and others from several different faires. You may even see a few in there you know.
  4. But are you willing to do the behind the scenes work ahead of time to get info on doing this? Sounds like a great idea. If you need help, or if anyone needs help planning something i can be reached via email at captain@pollydodger.com
  5. Well I was going to plan something but another MD Captain told me that there were plans underway here.
  6. I know that the crew of the Polly Dodger would definitely be interested in attending an "invasion" of a movie theater for the premiere of POTC 2. I was actually going to start an invasion for our Crew when Captain Duncan mentioned to me that there was already plans in the works. I can't wait for the movie to open and it's a week before my birthday. What a great way to spend it with friends.
  7. lets see.. you can see my shoulder and my Mistress of the Lists in one of your pics. My NC ambassador in another and my personal cabin boy in yet another. Haha... my crew was all over the place this weekend.
  8. I was there this weekend and spoke briefly with Crimson Corsair but unfortunately never got to meet anyone else from the Pyracy Pub (outside of those I already know at MDRF). I'm glad everyone had a good time and cant wait to see pics. I'll post mine as soon as I can.
  9. I do hope sir that you never have the opportunity to walk the plank. Swimming is a skill that might come in handy on such an occassion.
  10. it would be K. Dopita Studio but I dont know if they have a website or not.
  11. Oh we have a vendor at MDRF that makes tons of pewter pins with such classics as" "Thats not me peg leg" "Prepare to be boarded" "Official Kilt inspector" "Dungeon bate" (for our minors) and lots of others.
  12. I'd wear a pin like that and add - it's more comfortable than an underwire bra! I tell guys all the time.. I'd rather wear my corset than a bra any day of the week.
  13. Its ok. No sorries necessary. Hope you enjoy the book. I did.
  14. What are you reading? I'm looking to read more about her. have you checked out "She Captains Heroines and Hellions of the Sea" by Joan Druett? rather interesting book. http://tinyurl.com/cekua
  15. "yes, they are real"
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