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Black Talon

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About Black Talon

  • Birthday 07/11/1956

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Sundered Lands
  • Interests
    Swashbuckling, Pyrates, smithwork, craftwork, books, SCA, RevWar reenacting, Black powder weapons, hunting, bellydancing, brewing..far too many to list here.
  1. My new boots fit perfectly. One happy privateer, aye.

  2. No one as of yet, more's the pity. Perhaps at the Salem Pirate Faire next month. :) Black Talon
  3. With Lady Seahawke's method I get Lady Heathanne Seawolf Before that my porn name would be.... Kitty Brown Romance writer's name....Anne Hadley
  4. Well....according to this I'm Red Jenny Rackham. Passion, aye, I've lots of that. I've also got lots of deep, dark, red hair. Not carroty, a rich dark red..naturally so. The color I look best in is a dark auburn red color as well. So.. I'd have to say it fits. Uh...Red Jenny? hehehehehe
  5. Hmmm, well mine is simple enough really. The 'Black' comes from a time more than 30 years ago from the SCA. I wore solid black clothing. All the time. This was before Goth was cool, btw, so I wasn't part of that group and never have been. The name 'Talon' I took because I like the sound of it. It later gained the added reference to my raking style of verbal confrontation when braced. My nails didn't hurt the name either. 'MacNamara' is, according to my grandmother, a part of our family tree. I considered using 'nic Namara' just because I like the sound of it better. I'm Welsh-Irish-Ojibwe by descent. I've thought of changing the name of late. My real name is Siani, I'm told it's Welsh for 'Jane'. So...'Black' Talon (nic Namara?)
  6. Silence between decks a'here! I be Black Talon, though of late friends have been calling me the Blood Queen (occasionally with 'of Nassau' added). Glad to be aboard a'here an look forward ta jawin' wi' ye. Black Talon (Blood Queen of Nassau)
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