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Capt. Lazarus Gage

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Everything posted by Capt. Lazarus Gage

  1. Just started the new Mark Twain Autobiography. This book is massive, and it's only part I!
  2. "The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos" by Brian Greene.
  3. Here's the second half: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROEeXtiLw14&feature=related
  4. Though you all might enjoy this as much as I did. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Mlhk7mY3zw
  5. Ahh Ohio. It's tough being a land locked pirate. I'm in Cincinnati myself. I would possibly be interested in making my mark. Send me some info if you like.
  6. The first thing that pops into my mind when I see this are two little words: Air Pirates.
  7. Fond of French women to be sure Lady B.
  8. I still play POTBS. I love it, can't stop myself.
  9. Many thanks gentlemen. I have heard of "Pieces of Eight" and "Flint and Silver", actually saw them on amazon when I purchased the other two. Right now I am working my way through "Nelson's Trafalgar" and "Nelson at the Nile".
  10. I have two books coming in the mail via amazon I am curious to know some opinions of. The two books are "Silver" by Edward Chupack, and "The Pirate Primer" by George Choundas. Has anyone read them? Any thoughts? I am also curious about "Flint and Silver", but have neither read, nor ordered it as of yet.
  11. Very cool link. I found this picture of the Investigator thought I would share:
  12. OMG. I just dropped a barnacle in me slops.... My link
  13. The recent heat has really made me reconsider the downsides related to a new ice age, so please, for the sake of us all, go buy a bottle of aquanet and just spray it into the atmosphere, we need to speed up this process.....

    1. Capn Bob

      Capn Bob

      Well, in me other life, I'm a flintknapper, and I got atlatls, so I'm ready for the return of the mammoths...

  14. I haven't seen a thread yet in the several years I have been lurking about the pub that allows for the sharing of the backstories associated with our pyrate personas. So....I started one. I have had most of this down for some time, and plan on adding more, but here is my basic background, feel free to share your own, as well as your thoughts on mine!!!! History of Lazarus Gage Given Name: William Lafayette Gage Father: William Bartholomew Gage Mother: Josephine Marianne Molyneux William Lafayette Gage was born in the city of Charleston in the Carolina territory in 1680. His father was fairly well to do businessman who owned a profitable tannery and export company that revolved around the deer hide trade. His father was born in England in the county Cheshire to a wealthy merchant family. While on a business trip in Paris, the elder William met his wife Josephine who was the daughter of a coachman in the employ of his business partner Philippe Dubois. William had a very comfortable childhood and was raised mainly by the familys Haitian slave Colette who was also a practitioner of the voodoo religion. In 1698 the Gage Mansion caught fire and burned to the ground. Colette pulled William from the fire and had thought him to be dead, but William awakened moments later having only suffered minor scrapes and burns. Colette referred to William as Lazarus from that point forward, saying that he had come back from the dead and was a miracle child. Two of the only items Lazarus was able to retrieve from his ruined home were his mothers Fleur De Lis hat pen and a burnt King of Hearts playing card that belonged to his father. After the fire Lazarus learned that his fathers partner Philippe had intentionally set the blaze after an argument stemming from a card game between the elder William and himself. Filled with rage Lazarus broke into Philippes home in the night and murdered him, stabbing him through the heart with a black Stiletto. Lazarus took the body to Colette who disposed of it, but not before cutting off Philippes head so his soul would never find rest. Colette shrunk the head and gave it Lazarus as a reminder of the treachery of men. Unfortunately for Lazarus, Philippes maid had witnessed the murder and notified the authorities who came looking for him. Colette made time for Lazarus to escape, holding off the soldiers as best she could. Colette was hung for aiding Lazarus in his escape leaving Lazarus alone and bitter towards all men of power and authority.
  15. Wait just a tick....I am now royally confused. Is there food somewhere about? Or are you planning on eating us?!?! ... being served on black and red table linen, no doubt. Jas. Hook WELL OF COURSE!!!! And afterwords we are going to walk the plank and bury some treasure. All while dancing around on our Spanish galleon because that is the only type of pirate ship there was!!!!! Geez. Don't ya read your history?!?
  16. Thanks Lady B! It's nice to be back....again....lol. Cheese it is! It's my speciality!
  17. WHAT ABOUT THE CHEESE?!? THERE MUST BE CHEESE!!!! I am currently munching on the most delicious cheddar I have ever eaten in my life!!!! I ll bring some of that.....if there is any left..... If you want some of your own though it is called Beecher's Flagship Reserve Cheddar. Mmmmmmm. Cheese.
  18. I have decided that boston terriers are the piratey-est dogs of all.

    1. Cheeky Actress

      Cheeky Actress

      Rat catchers...aren't they?

    2. Capt. Lazarus Gage

      Capt. Lazarus Gage

      Mine catch table scraps.

  19. Wait just a tick....I am now royally confused. Is there food somewhere about? Or are you planning on eating us?!?!
  20. Hmm. Well most of my hats are black except for my bicorn....which is maroon with black trim... But my attire also includes blue....and gold....and orange-ish? I really don't know what color to call my waistcoat.... Butterscotch maybe???
  21. That is extremely creepy considering the story of John Campbell and all.
  22. Alright ladies and gents, who might be attending this event besides my wife and I? We look forward to seeing some people this year!!!
  23. Found some great stuff on ebay today.

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