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Everything posted by CaptKonnan

  1. Aye a boat is what we be needin....lived on board for the past six or 12 years lost count all the days seem to blend together..to many late nights sittin on the dock drinkin rum with a few like minded souls....but we sold our boat in Va then moved here to S fl..is a long story so will be needin a big bottle of yer finest (ok cheapest) to be tellin that tale........so now we be livin in half a house..( they calls em duplexs down here )..I calls it a badly built boat...it wont float and it dont move so makes it hard to sleep....so belly up and lets talk story
  2. Well now another pyrate from south florida ...we be in martin county...just relocated here a year ago june...not a bad port..only a day sail to the islands ..once we "find" a new boat all by itself and unguarded that is..
  3. Yep , they are the same figures that they sell here but like you said the bases are different and they sell here for $1.99 each some type of hard resin or plastic I think
  4. I didnt see the first set of pics as they are no longer there , however the set that was sold on ebay I have seen before they are sold at a gift shop here in south florida , I wish to say that the price for each figure is like $2-3 each but I dont know about the island
  5. I have procured all the canvas fer my tent and the planned footprint will be 7x9 as planned
  6. As we (my wife , myself , and Captain Gizmo) are only a 4 hour drive from key west we are planning on coming down and would love to camp and meet everyone so if you could ad us as well we would be greatfull
  7. I didnt make it fer 2005 what with a new job an all....but 2006 is a good bet...might even sail down instead of drive...as fer camping I might can procure or make a period tent ifin is possible to stay within the fort and have some after hours piratical fun with like minded scum ....will start mending and adding to my kit now so as to be ready
  8. I think you should get one chance at an appeal thats it...then bye bye....get rid of the whole life without parole...its honest peoples money thats paying to keep a criminal as a "pet"...and another thing to hell with this whole political correct BS.....you kill an innocent person ya die.....you rape a child well then ya should be locked up with alot of other criminals buttassnekid for a few weeks and then if ya live well then ya friggin fry.....if your just a typical lookit me Ima a bad ass thug then fine..ya dont die...you get some free training a free set of clothes a free really big shiny gun and a free plane trip to where ever the hell the army needs cannon fodder....and besides who better to have a tank but someone who is already good at doing drive by's , same thing just really big.....And I think executions should be public and televised , barbaric well maybe so , but a few times of watching a man cook from the inside out just might change a persons mind about robbing that "easy mark"down the street if ya dont like it then change the channel.....and while I'm at making alot of people mad at me I say we need to stop being the worlds "big brother" bring our people home and let the rest of the world deal with thier own problems....close the borders and if yer an illegal well no free trip home amigo ya go jail.....make it cheap and easy for U.S. companys to export but make it damn expensive to import goods (to hell with foriegn companys they shouldnt be our problem)...drill Alaska for oil...the polar bears and the moose will hafta deal with it , there is plenty of oil there we cant get to right now..but do it and see how long it takes for the saudi's to come crying.....ok...I feel better now....I'm gonna stop before everybody hates me more than they do already
  9. Aye Mission..that there be a pic of me and my sailin partner Gizmo....hes a happy lil guy
  10. Peavey Foundation 4 string through Behringer cabinets.......next one will be an Ibenez and then a Traben 5 string
  11. I should be there...at least a day or two...bringin a tent if I can find a place to pitch it...oh yea an bringin rum to
  12. HAAZAAAA!!!!..its already north of me
  13. I dont know how much powder you need but I get mine from Walmart...they sell it in 1lb containers in the hunting section pyrodex...and triple seven (it burns hotter than pyrodex so use less)...I use it for blackpowder hunting and then use what I dont use in a cannon...works great
  14. http://www.gosea.com/loyalistarms Arrrrrrr heres the site for loyalist arms,...good lookin cutlass's and blackpowder arms.....real nice blunderbuss ARRRRRRRRR!
  15. When ya get some pics up lemme know.......with something for size comparison....or just measurements...
  16. Halloween stuff afore Labor Day????Arrrrrrrrrrr..is a crime I tells ya A bloody crime indeed....some one should be keel hauled fer that
  17. Looking at the computer while MAD TV plays in the background on comedy central........stewart <look what I can do>
  18. Thank ya very much...but seein as how I dont have a sheep around .....me thinks that Capt Jacks Hats will be the way for me sir....thanks again and have a bottle of me finest rum fer yer trouble
  19. I dont wish to be known as 'Red Head Lynn'so I'll stick with Konnan fer now...till I thinkof somthin more better
  20. This may seem a dumb question but does anyone know where to find a pattern for making your own tricorn hat?The only patterns I kind find are big round kinda muskateer looking hats with big feathers,any help would be great. :angry:
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