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Wong Pegleg Wench

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Everything posted by Wong Pegleg Wench

  1. January 12th be me birthday. Me crew be plannin a great feast on the weekend of t 14th. The festin be taken place at the Psychedelic Wizard, hookah bar and coffee shop, at 1472 N. Van Ness, Fresno, 93728. There will be belly dancing, food for feastin, ganja treats fer stoney munchin, free hookahs for tobacco smokin, coffee, ice cream, milk shakes, an plenty o rum fer the drinkin! This fest be open invite, so if ye be wantin to attend (in costume if ye like) send me a message at lilmama463@yahoo.com. I need to know how many harties ye be bringin. Any and all are welcome bring yer scurvy seafairin mates!!
  2. That be a splended idea. Me crew an I be lootin an piligin till then. Got to fund the trip with t gold of few an t blood of many........ What be t where 'bouts of that there fest? Anahim? Haven't graced them waters with me presence in quit a while.
  3. First of all I am VERY off. Secondly I am offerin t make up fer missin t Kerney Faire by doublin the bounty for the Fresno City College faire in March. Two pints fer catchin the rabbit and sayin me name. So quit yer belly achin! Arrrrrrrrrrr!!
  4. Okay so this is a little off pirate subject, but tonight is the Rolling Stones concert!!!! I am going to see them. I am a super young fan and perhaps this may be my one and only chance to see them! I hope you all have a great turkey day!!!
  5. Didn't make it to the faire this year. So if ye were hopein' fer a free pint, sorry. I got super fucking sick. Oh well, there will be a Ren Faire here in March. I always go t that one. Perhaps the rabbit will be given free liqour t make up fer missin Kerney.
  6. If ye be attendin' t Kerney Faire in Fresno this November, remember t keep yer scurvy one eye open fer t rabbit. If ye CATCH it ye wins a free pint on me!! Look out fer a small lass in green period dress, long black hair an rabbit ears. Then all ye do is mention me name (Wong Pegleg Wench) an seein me on this 'ere site.(Pub o Pirates) Then ye next pint (or bowl o smoke) be on me!! See ye thar an luck t ye...... filthy seadogs!!!!
  7. Aye lass!! Fresno be me home, just keep yer scurvy one eye out for a black haired girl in green period dress and bunny ears. That be me!! Hope to see ye thar an if ye CATCH me hoppin round I'll buy ye a pint o' yer choosen!! Be sure to mention this 'ere site, just say, "I seen ye in t' pub o pirates!" And get a free pint from me, ye have me word as a pirate. --Wong Pegleg Wench
  8. Sorry t hear it lad. Yer right, not good unless yer campin thar fer t night.
  9. Just back from faire lovelies. What did I miss?? My pockets are full an I'm feelin a might generous harties. "A fresh round fer all ye currs, arrrrrrr!" Festing with t gypsies I was. Fine lot they are, passin the pipe, keepin me cup topped an a merry hornpipe er two. A lass could get used t likes o gypsies. An t lad I calls me own lit t camp o gypsies a blaze with his fire play. It was a hell of a time I tells ye. Worth a round or two fer t tellin..... "Another round on me fer all me mates!" "Here's t festin an wakin face down on deserted patch o land! YO HO!!"
  10. Great!! More dirty words ha-zahhhhhhhh!!!!!
  11. sorry t hear it lass. I lost my wolf/husky just this past May. She was about 10 months old. Hope your new pup brings you just as much, if not loads more joy to your house. Puppies are yummy!!!
  12. Bruce Cambell, what tis wee wench wouldn't give fer sometime with that beautiful man. Any man that can take on Zombies and have time to "pillow talk, baby" is the man fer me!! As long as he lets me lick his bloody blade afterward....hehehehe Right now, Im in thepub..... watching my other half nap wishing I had a bowl to smoke wishing I was sailing missin the smell o t' sea in my AC/DC underwear planning "Pirate A Go Go" sitting with a full belly getting ready to enjoy a Guiness watchen the light change from sun to dark........
  13. ummm....I'm feelin okay. Kinda drained, sad summer is ending. Here comes the raaaiiinnnnn!!!!!!!!!
  14. Deep dark holes.......no really. The black smoking face of a cannon.
  15. For The Love Of Cheeesssee!!!!!!!!
  16. I be needin more ideas for festin...... so far my crew and I came up with a shouting match, pegleg race, drinking games, snap dragons..... Are pockets be a trifle light this time round, so cheapy suggestions for games would be welcomed...
  17. Still working some kinks out for "Pirate A Go Go" So I am sending out a call to all pirates......come and take part in our Shouting contest, pegleg race and drinking games! We still need a few black hearted drunkin sea dogs to make this pirate fest, everything it should be!!
  18. Im a pirate lovin' girl in Fresno Ca and wonderin if thar be a crew fer me t' join close t' home?
  19. "Pirate A Go Go" be the only way t' celebrate this Talk Like A Pirate Day. It be takin' place on Saturday September 17th in Fresno Ca, door be openin' at 2pm. Festivities will include fire eatin an jugglin, big blue waters fer ye t' dunk yer scurvy sea lovin booty into, pirate games, treasure hunt, pirate shanties, roasted foods an lots o rum an mead fer the drinkin games. This is an adult event an be open invitation. So bring all ye harties in thar best pirate dress! If ye'd like t' attend please contact Wong Pegleg Wench (gina) on thru this here site or email me at lilmama463@yahoo.com ........be thar or be a dirty bilge rat!!
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