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Posts posted by Ransom

  1. Okay, I feel suitable embarrassed. Been a long while since I checked in, and then I found all these brirthday wishes. Thanks to all of you fine mates, and yes, Lady B, that tornado experience is one I will never forget. But it was still a fun weekend!

    And yeah, Jill and I are twins in spirit, even if a few decades apart in years. B)

  2. I like the idea of submissions, just so you would have the honor of hearing, "And the winner is.........(insert your name here)!" Maybe a different one each month? But if we use Patrick's character Stinky, then do it during the summer when we can open all the windows. Remeber what effect he had on Port Royal? Nuf said. B)

  3. With the holidays coming up, I am reviving this thread. Many of your pirate friends have Etsy sites, where they sell their wares. Please look over what they have before you buy retail from the Big Box stores. The hand-crafted items you buy from your friends helps them pay for events they attend, and the clothes that they wear.

    Anyone wanting to add a link to their Etsy site, please do. B)

  4. Jib, my experience at Pt. Washingtin had nothing to do with the event itself, but everything to do with the people I had flown across the country to hook up with. The event itself was fun, although getting stuck in the basement of a bank for an hour waiting out a tornado was...interesting. I did meet some wonderful folks, Merrydeath, Mary Diamond (the three of us had a blast dancing on Saturday night), Lady B, Cheeky, and Rats. However, the rest of the group, whom I didn't know, and had not interacted with on the Pub, basically ignored me. And as stated, the one person who had been begging me to come, who I had interacted with a lot here, barely gave me the time of day.

    I would hope any group would keep a newcomer from feeling so left out. I know the years I spent with Tales of the Seven Seas were wonderful, and they welcomed my husband and myself with open arms. By the end of our first time at Ojai, we felt like part of the family. Thier hosbitality kept me in the game.

    So, no bad feelings about the Pt. Washington Festival itself. If I could go with a totally different group I'd probably have a ball. Should I ever get that oportunity, I will for sure look you up. B)

  5. My very first pirate event was years ago at Port Washington, WI. With a few very notable exceptions, I felt like an outcast, and the person who had been begging me to attend, barely spoke five words to me the whole five days I was there. I felt cheated and had dropped a lot for money for nothing. Had I let the experience of that event influence my decision to bail out of pyracy, which I almost did, I would have missed out meeting a whole new group of people whom I just love and respect, and would have missed out on being part of the crew of the schooner Aldebaran for four years. I gave pyracy one more chance at Ojai. Ojai was always a heap of fun, and I was very sad when they closed the doors on that event. At first, NorCal was just a huge bit of fun. But now it is soooo chaotic and crowed with people (30K over the two days) that by the afternoon, you can barely move around the event site. And the group we had hung with for so long, slowly morphed into a group of loafers. So again, a group of us split off (Red-Handed Jill, Iron Jack, Lady Jaxx, Wheezer, Captain Vortex, Wicked Wench and a few others), created a new group (The Seacats), and attended the smaller venue of Brookings, OR. We all did stuff, interacted with the crowd, and had a grand time.

    LOL So, I guess the bottom line is, a person's particpation in pyracy may evolve over time, but you never really let that pirate spirit die....you just move on and find new friends and places to play.

    If money and a horse-sitter were not an issue, there would be lots more events on our clanedar. B)

  6. I think that's very true. When you compare the piracy world with other reenactment groups, the lack of regimentation is a huge factor in how much fun it is. The only thing that could kind of compare, is maybe Steampunk, which also has little to no regimentation or rules other than stick to the general idea of the genre. I enjoy the SCA, but it's a relief to come back to the pirate world and the pirate in me, with no one to bow down to or kiss up to. B)

  7. After about five or six years of driving long distances to play, it was the expense and logistics that made me and my husband cut back. Ojai closed, and NorCal has become a scene of chaos that, other than time spend on the Aldebaran, was becoming more chore than fun, and costing us upward of $1000 or more—and we always drove. Also, we have horses, and the lady who used to feed them for us while we were away moved to another town. We haven't found anyone we trust to take her place. Also, burnout played a part. So, this year we attended only one event in Brookings, OR, afflieated ourselves eith a new group, The Seacats, while also envolving ourselves in other activites, mostly to do with the SCA or mounted archery. I still love playing a pirate, and we had an absolute blast at the smaller venue of Brookings, so I suspect I'll hang in there a while longer. B)

    Jamie....nice to see you're still around. Wish we could connect more than once every two years or so.

  8. Okay, Pirate Punk it is. And my Thunderbuss (the one, the only, the original Thunderbuss! LOL), built on a flintlock pistol base, will fit in just fine!

    As for glow in the dark bucket boots... :o I have my limits!

    I'm still thinking along the lines of the Adam Ant look from back in the 80s. That was pretty danged kewl.

  9. You know, you could go back even a bit further, and hit the Elizabethan age...talk about tons of lace! I've often thought how ironic it was, that so many of those guys back then looked like total fops, but were deadly with swords, and pretty cutthroat with their ambitions.

    Love the new mock up for the Columbia's Revenge! Now you just need to get that crusty, lived in look. LOL

    Also, since the new Three Musketeers has come out, there are a ton of ideas in there. Loved the movie. Liked that they had fun with the story. So yeah, a GAoP lacepunk persona would be a blast. Which leads me to wonder how I need to adapt my bombadier garb to something a bit more...lacy. B)

    Maybe, as time goes along, we could post pictures/drawings and throw out more ideas?

  10. As the others walked away, Africa stood watch by the jolly boat. He was nervous. They didn't know this island, didn't know the other ships, although Ransom seemed to think the small ketch tied to the dock was familiar. He clutched the leather bag full of corpse powder that hung from his neck, muttering the incantation for safety his grandmother had taught him when he was just a child.

    Time passed. The lights in the small town started to go out as folks sought their beds. Neither Ransom nor Collard had returned. It was then he heard the ruckuss coming from the dock-side tavern. Suddenly alert to danger, Africa prepared to call out the signal for the others to return, when he saw Ransom jogging toward him.

    "What going on?" Africa asked, glaring at her. "Where Collard?"

    Her attention was on the tavern. "I don't know where Collard is, but it looks like there's a fight brewing over there. Not sure, but we'd best stay clear. I've managed to arrange for some food stock, but unless Collard can get us a careening crew, we're litteraly stuck on this gnat's ass piece of land."

    "Dat not good."

    "No," she replied, "it's not."

  11. Hey, PEW, what's the deal with these? Are they all in? Have they been mailed out? Or is the whole thing a bust? :unsure:

    Mailing from my place to anywhere in the known world is iffy (remember, it took Dutch 3 years to get his cards back when I mailed things out!)....so I'm just curious to know if you actually got my cards.

    Basically, just an update of how things are going.... B)

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