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Everything posted by chesapeake

  1. i was named for it because my parents are crazy. my sister's name is gretchen, which is more common, i suppose, but not so much here... in america. yes. oc is is home to much of ska, and a bit of punk. =) thank you all for the kind welcome.
  2. *ahem* the good film props are still on display at disneyland. all four of the swords, both of the pistols, two costume pieces, the faulty compass, the coin medallion and the sculpture from the bow of one of the ships (can't recall which), are all on display in the disney gallery above the pirates ride. i know because i do my schoolwork there, as silly as that sounds. they may be moved for the opening tomorrow to the el capitan theater in hollywood. or maybe they'll be sold. but really. what's the point?
  3. an introduction for the newb. i'm chesapeake, but can be shortened to chesa if you like. i'm named for a bay that's on the opposite side of the country as i am, and i've never been there. i'm nineteen years old. i hope that's not terribly young around here. in any case. i am new to "the pirate scene," but i've appreciated pirates for a long time. actually, i live in anaheim california, and one of the defining moments of my childhood was getting a fortune card for a quarter from the machine in the shop just outside the exit of pirates of the caribbean (the ride). on the one side it had a fortune, and the other had an index of jolly roger flags and the pirates who used them. i was thrilled... and have dabbled in the study of pirates ever since, though i'm no expert, and you'll all have to help me fix that. so. i think that's all for now. i'm always embarrassed to introduce myself on a new message board.....
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