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red sam flint

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About red sam flint

  • Birthday 11/20/1965

Profile Information

  • Location
    Northern Minnesota
  • Interests
    Re-enactment of fur trade, history,and Black Powder.
  1. This coming friday (8-5-05) I will be a guest at a colonial dinner re-enactment, and will be asked to tell a short story. My persona is a privateer/pirate, so it would be nice to tell a pirate tale. Does anyone have a short story, possibly humorous, that I could pass on? The date of the dinner is 1798. Thanks, Red Sam Flint
  2. Thanks Rumba; My persona dosn't have to be limited to Nova Scotia, as a sea port, I could have gone any where in those 10 years. I will also look for that book, sounds fantastic!! Thanks again, RSF
  3. I belong to a historicle society in northern Minnesota, I portray an ex-privateer/pirate from Nova Scotia who is adventuring the interior of North America. I have come across a North West Co. fur post having a rondezvous and am spending some time there. I like to back up my storys with actual history, and would like to know what kind of piracy was going on from 1782-1798, and which i could have been from? In 1780-81 I was a privateer aboard the schooner "adventure" from Halifax, Nova Scotia. I would have liked to have done some piracy after that. Can anyone help me with my persona? Thanks, Jaymes William Byrd (a.k.a. Red Sam Flint)
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