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Everything posted by asemery

  1. Anchor Knot Made in 1973 from "The Book of Ornamental Knots" by Hensel and Graumont. Please excuse the age and other stains (it was glued to a board). When it fell off the board many years ago it was shoved in a plastic bag which caused the twisting. I still like it. Tony
  2. The more familiar double overhand knot shown in the upper photo makes a fine stopper knot. The mystery double hand knot (It might have a proper name) is shown in the lower photo. Can you knot tyers duplicate it?
  3. wrist lanyard Made from 1/4" rope found while beach combing. I unlaid the rope at each end and made one tuck of an eye splice. I then did a 3 strand diamond knot to complete each loop and cut the ends close to the knot.
  4. Mini-fender Patterned after large rope fenders found on tug boats and other vessels. 2' length of 1/4" rope found when beach combing. I folded the rope in half, separated the strands and did wall knotting back to the loop. Finished with diamond knot. I will add split ring and give to boat owning nephew.
  5. single strand lanyard tutorial
  6. This lanyard here is shown wrist size but can be made as long as needed. The ends are tied in a pseudo 4 bight, 3 lead turk's head knot that slides to adjust the size of the loops.
  7. Fobs and bell pulls
  8. I made this door mat from 3/4" manila rope 40 years ago as a present for my mother and father-in-law. My wife and I now have it and can't seem to wear it out. That is a very durable mat. The lines on the right hand show where the ends are whipped and tied with constrictor knots to the neighboring stands
  9. The single strand lanyard knot is the basis for many fobs and lanyards. The expanded version opens up many new possibilities. Like the regular lanyard knot this version can be doubled. I have written a tutorial that can be found at extended (expanded) lanyard Knot Tutorial
  10. It is a standard lanyard or diamond knot. Here is one tutorial. A Google search will show many others http://www.animatedknots.com/lanyard/#ScrollPoint
  11. Bosun's Brush 1/2" manila rope folded in half. 2 ends tied in 2 strand diamond (lanyard) knot. Ends combed out and trimmed.
  12. I like all decorative ropework so it is difficult to pick a favorite.
  13. Mat can be kept flat (left) or the edges can be turned up to make bowl (right). Tutorial is available.
  14. If you are interested in making your own nets I have written Instructions (now over 30 years old) that have stood the test of time; If you are interested in exploring the craft further check out the nets and net making section here. Over a dozen net making related topics. http://pineapple.myfunforum.org/index.php?c=7
  15. Single strand half hitching is useful for covering all sorts of things knife sheath tied around cardboard tube Handle for tool box carabiner cover (not piritacal but it shows that the ends of the single strand are hidden. *********************************************************************** Here is how I hid the ends Tie overhand knot around ring, short tag end. Pull down tag end parallel to ring. Tie half hitch around ring and tag end. Pull tight. Continue half hitching until desired length. Tie at least 4 loose half hitches reeve Working End through these hitches. Starting with loop in top center (second loose loop). One at a time. Tighten the remaining loops (four in all) Pull working end and trim
  16. This is ABOK 2206. It requires a LOT of twine in the set-up, about half of which will be recovered when the knot is tightened. Here is how the lay-out looks - about 10' of paracord Tightened around a 7/8" diameter core - about 5 1/2' of paracord left over The fist is made up of 4 circles. You must put in the desired number of turns in each circle before going on to the next circle. Start at the outside of each circle. I am showing only two turns in each circle to make the layout easier to see. In this tutorial the standing end is on the right and the working end is on the left. Circle 1 - Clockwise Circle 2 - - sharp turn - Counterclockwise - go over, under turns of first circle Circle 3 - clockwise - go under, over, over, under the turns of circles one and two Circle 4 - 180 degree turn over the turns you just went under then clockwise under, over, under, over, under the turns ov the previous circles Slack in this knot must be taken out slowly. I find that it is easier to hold the working end and gradually take out the slack towards the standing end. In this way the circles are closing in on themselves from inside to outside.
  17. Double Monkey Fist Knot This is Ashley Book of Knots # 2206. Since it has 12 faces as compared to the 6 faces of a regular monkey fist it is sometimes called the double monkey fist. I have written a tutorial if anyone is interested
  18. Ringbolt hitching is an attractive way to cover a solid ring. One strand is involed so the ends can be tied in a knot (in this case a modified diamond knot) or a turks head knot This is how I did it With standing end on left of ring bring Working End through ring and make half hitch. Bring WE through ring and from left to right through crossing point and pull snug Bring WE through ring and repeat above steps When there is roon for only one more hitch bring WE through the ring and UP through the loop holding the Standing End Next bring WE through the crossing point and DOWN through the loop Pull the standing End down through the loop and the hitching is complete. The ends may be glued or held in place with a contrasting color Turks Head knot OR Turks Head tied with two ends Make a clockwise loop with left end in front of ring and a counter-clockwise loop with the right end through the loop Bring each end over the strand and through the corresponding loops on top Bring each end down across one strand and through the loop on the bottom The Turks Head tied with two ends is complete. You can tighten it up and hide the ends or double it by bring each end parallel to the strand just below it As I mentioned the finishing knot can be doubled (or even tripled) by following parallel to the indicated strand. Cut the ends close to the knot and push them under the knot to hide them.
  19. I had a marlinspike (used to tighten knots) that was poking a hole in my ditty bag. Here is its cover. I wish I could take credit for the knotting on the spike itself. It was a gift from a friend. The knotting is six strand crown knotting tied directly over the spike. The top is a diamond knot variation.
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