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About Marrowbones

  • Birthday 12/02/1988

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    Pirates and history, obviously, or I wouldn't be on this forum. I meself am not a reenactor or a faire type right now, because my parents'd disown me, and because we don't have faires in Britain. What we do have is the UK pirate brotherhood, of which I am a silent member, so if you're from the UK, check it out. <br><br>I also like music, especially folk and rock, and reading, a lot.
  1. ok then, delicate and feminine.
  2. BBC 2 had a 'songs inspired by the sea' program the other day. Not all to my taste, and nothing piratical, but there's some good ones in there. 'all things are quite silent' and 'The wild goose' were my favourites, but they might be too floaty for you butch piratical people. Anyway, use the listen again feature here http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio2/r2music/folk/harding/ And tell me what you think. You can also get a playlist up once you're on the radio player page.
  3. I like a drop of malibu, but I guess I'm just common.
  4. I'm not sure where to put this thread, sorry if I'm treading on any toes here. Right then. I have am a member of a pirate RPG. We've been going for a little while now, but we need members, especially guys, because we are progressing closer and closer to becoming an all female pirate ship. It's a lot of fun, and posting is pretty regular. As for historical accuracy, we are set in the 18th century, but there is a lot of room for poetic licence, hence the number of girls. There's blood, guts and battles aplenty, you're perfectly welcome to have a girl (or guy) in every port, and a sense of humour is a definite plus. Anyhoo, post if you're interested, and again, I'm sorry if I should have put this in rabble rousing or somewhere. If that be the case, I'll dance the hempen jig for ye with pleasure... if you can find me, that is. http://gbb.galacforums.com/DavyJones/
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