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About TortugaWench

  • Birthday 03/31/1983

Profile Information

  • Location
    The Darkest Corner of the Hold
  • Interests
    Pirates, Writing, Reading, Horses, Astronomy, Anime and Classical/Instrumental Music...^^
  1. are we still ables t' make special requests in this 'ere joint?
  2. Um, is that a form of mixed Escargot cuisine?
  3. or perform a musical- solo... or ask, lol
  4. Me thinks Phil makes a wonderful Cabana Boy.
  5. *throws confetti* Yay! It's Bouncer Phil!
  6. Budweiser (sp?)
  7. paper mache (sp?)
  8. Nice pics, Merc. The bodice of your gown looks simple yet speaks volumes of what you partook in. Glad to hear you enjoyed yourself. I've never been to a ren-faire (cries) but me and some mates are aiming for next year when it comes around again at our... Renaissance Center. I think they do a pirate weekend, but I'm not sure. If not, we're at least gonna attend the other aspects of the faire.
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