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About Archipirata_Felis

  • Birthday 06/09/1988

Profile Information

  • Interests
    I spend my time researching and participating in activities related to Fashion Couture, Pirates, and Art in any form that I am able to try.
  1. Well of late I 'ave been doodlin' out some drawings 'o clothing, an' I wondered where on earth would I be findin' a pattern for a corset or a dress similar to the one I drew out. Then I wondered where on earth could I find the exact cloth that I wanted or if it was possible that I could find someone I could pay to custom make this stuff for me. Well anyway I decided that I'd go somewhere nice and visable where there might be other people who might just have the same problem or who have had the same problem and then found the solution and just maybe some nice helpful person would make a solution appear out of n :) where and I would rejoice with rounds of drinks and all that celebratory stuff anyway Anyway I hope someone out there finds this lovely post before my prom becasue that's what i'm wearing the dress to. I'm gona bring a touch of pyrateness to my prom
  2. WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Mashed Potatoes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
  3. i'm staying up and not letting myself sleep because to do that at this earley hour would be giving in to insubordination! i dont' care how far i walked or what i ate or drank i should not be sleepy at 8:21 pm and that's jsut the way it is!
  4. i be hyper and happy! wheeeeeeeeee!
  5. I am making an attempt to alert my entire school!
  6. Hey did anyone else know that the Guiness beer company and The Guinness Book of World Records are run by the same company!
  7. That song inspired my to become a pirate!
  8. Actually my battle cry is more of a gleeful squeal like "eeeeeeeeeeeee!" or simply "Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" and occationally "Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay!" I find that keeping it monosylabic makes it more effective.
  9. Trident Spearmint chewing gum...that is if you call gum chewing eating...
  10. I dunno what brand but it's in a clear bottle and it's coconut flavored. It is good.
  11. I saw it! yay! It was not the greatest movie I ever saw but it was fun anyways!
  12. i really liked it too! my favorite was the cat lady captain person...thing. anyway, she would have made a great pyrate had she a rotten heart. actually that was the only flaw with it. i mean i know it sort of followed the play treasure island but there just wasn't enough evil. oh well, it is one of my favorite movies anyway.
  13. ok i gotta say my favorite pirate is sin bad if only for the name but i do like the cheezy acting and bad special effects of the originals and the now animated movie is just plain prettyfull
  14. ok now i'm not scared anymore
  15. i feel hungry cause dinner's soon and worried cause i'm being dragged to the orthodontist i love when life is simple like that...
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