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Everything posted by tishsparrow

  1. I got a pair from Hot Topic, but that was a year ago... and they were bright pink and black, so I doubt they will work.
  2. I'm not going to be able to check Disney World until summer.
  3. i'm obsessed with shonen ai and yaoi anime.
  4. That's like my grandma's house. She had an old cat and two old dogs, but they died a few years ago. She now has a young cat and dog, who do very odd things every now and then. They watch like something is walking in front of them, both of their heads moving in sync. Also, the cat (her name is Joy) will go upstairs and play with something. Its not the dog, because she cant climb steps. It seriously sounds like two different cats are up there. Her old cat, Babydoll, had a really odd meow, like a crying meow, and for a while after she died, i would hear it when I walked in. Her old dogs are there sometimes too. Before she got her new dog, we would still see dogs. It hadn't really hit that there should'nt be dogs, and they'd be there, then poof, they're gone. Other things happen alot there too, like we'd see a reflection that was'nt anyone in the room, or hear voices when we're by ourselves. It has happened to my grandma, me, and many other people.
  5. this is just too funny, so I'll put it here... Its from a convention, I found it while looking for ideas...
  6. its not ALL my fault... its Disney's for making that, and Black Hearted Pearl's for posting it... (I'm used to finding excuses, cant you tell?) aww, he's fun to poke! *goes back to site to poke jack some more*
  7. bite (sorry, I roleplay as a vampire entirely too often)
  8. Unsolved Mysteries is still on, its just on Lifetime now.
  9. ha, when you point at the jack doll, it jumps I am so easily amused, it isn't even funny.
  10. yea, he's on there. Will too, I think. Not voiced by them, though.
  11. .. - / -- .- -.- . ... / -- -.-- / -... .-. .- .. -. / .... ..- .-. - / - .-. -.-- .. -. --. / - --- / .-. . .- -.. / - .... .. ... .-.-.- / .. ... -. - / - .... . .-. . / .- / -- --- .-. ... . / - --- / . -. --. .-.. .. ... .... / - .-. .- -. ... .-.. .- - --- .-. ..--..
  12. eh, I only know the essential: ...---... I think thats it...
  13. My mom loves the Most Haunted show... or as she calls them, the Scaredy Cat Brits. Now, I believe in ghosts, so the one episode got me. I forget where they were, but the lady was asking the spirit to give them a sign it was there, and they heard a banging sound. She asked it to make the sound again, to make sure it was a ghost. Another bang, louder. She asked it again (which I think was just pushing it) and it started dropping things on their heads. I also liked the one where the tv went on by itself and all the guys started jumping behind one another and screaming.
  14. "Their new friend Captain Barbossa"?!?! My brain hurts just trying to figure this out.
  15. Oh. My. God.... That was so stupid, it makes me proud of my generation! (they looked to be my age)
  16. I started choking on a pretzel when I saw that...
  17. I have that calendar! I like the one with all the money on him... and the pirate who does kid parties, of course.
  18. i have a lovely recipie for weevil biscuits... basically just biscuits or cookies with raisins or chocolate chunks. the raisin biscuits are actually very good.
  19. You have to be careful with any high school 'rennaisance' faire, because there is a program in most schools called "renaissance" that has nothing to do with the renaissance. It is just a rewards program for kids with good grades, giving out different cards for different grades. Most of the time, they have a big party or picnic outside, sometimes like a small carnival. Did they definitely say it was something you could dress up at?
  20. unfourtunately philosophy teachers tend to get upset when you try to convince then that the answer to all is 42...
  21. I love these books! They're some of the funniest, most confusing stuff I've ever read. I've read the first, second, and fourth ones. (actually, i read the fourth first ) But, uh, is the second one supposed to skip from page 154 to 187? I just got it today, and got to that part about 20 minutes ago, and maybe I just dont get it. the spine of the book isnt messed up, but theres a weird edge on page 187. Whoa... off topic... But anyway... Did anyone else ever read them?
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