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Everything posted by cjfarley

  1. Hello--I'm the author of the forthcoming novel "Kingston by Starlight" (Crown Books/Three Rivers Press). I see the book was mentioned in an earlier post! I hope you enjoy it. "Kingston by Starlight" is a fictionalized take on the story of Anne Bonny (you can check out more about it on Amazon.com or on my site at myspace/cjfarley.com. I was born in Kingston, Jamaica so I've heard stories abour pirates all my life (I was raised, however, in the pirate-free zone of Upstate New York). My novel has gotten a couple positive notices so far. Frank McCourt, author of Angela's Ashes, said: “What makes this different from all other novels I’ve read recently is the writing—superbly poetic. There are sentences and passages that make you want to stop and read them again and again. There are Caribbean colors that will swim through your head long after you’ve put the book down.” Anyways, I hope you all spread the word, order early--and tell me what you think (but be kind--it's fiction!).
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