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Posts posted by ukatana

  1. HOPE @ Wizard World Chicago

    For Immediate Release

    In 2004, a massive tsunami washed through much of coastal Asia, killing hundreds of thousands while wiping out towns and villages. The destruction was so massive that relief work continues to this day. Shortly after this event, creators came together at Ronin Studios to produce a comic book anthology called HOPE to support the Red Cross’s tsunami disaster relief efforts. The charity benefit book will debut this August 4th through the 7th at Wizard World Chicago!

    HOPE is a $5 (benefiting the Red Cross), sixty-page tour de force featuring some of the hottest creators in comics:

    Ron Marz (Writer/Editor – Green Lantern, Samurai, Sojourn)

    Mike Bullock (Writer – Lions, Tigers and Bears, Gimoles)

    Jack Lawrence (Artist – Lions, Tigers and Bears, Darkham Vale)

    Theo Bain (Artist – Gimoles)

    James Woodward (Artist – Fallen Angel, Crazy Mary)

    Chris Fason (Artist – Hero Happy Hour)

    Sean O’Reilly (Writer – Kade, Ezra, El Arsenal, The Assassin)

    Dwight L. MacPherson (Writer – Dead Men Tell No Tales)

    Mike Fiorentino (Artist – Dead Men Tell No Tales)

    Jessi Embry (Cover Artist – ANT, Ezra)

    To offer an added spotlight to this project, Arcana Studio has produced a limited edition HOPE #1 Wizard World Chicago variant cover featuring Arcana’s Ezra dueling with Sir Francis Drake (of Dead Men Tell No Tales) as rendered by Arcana cover artist Jessi Embry! This book is limited to 100 copies with every sell helping those in need!

    All proceeds from the regular and limited editions of HOPE #1 will go to support the Red Cross. The regular edition will be available at the Ronin Studios booth, with the limited edition available at the Arcana Studio booth. We look forward to seeing you there!

    Thank you for your help, it is appreciated!

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