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Mad Cap Romanian

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Everything posted by Mad Cap Romanian

  1. Sometimes I just wonder if I could have this post removed permenatly. It's obvious that it's not going where it was suppose to be going. I ordered a lot of these costumes for the fact that I have set aside room in my store to sell Pirate merchandise, not only these costumes, but games, toys, books, flags and so on. My intentions were just to alert anyone looking to this fourm that we had these pirate items. Maybe I should have done my research to know that my costumes weren't of the higher calibur you're all use to. I don't know. What I was hoping for was that people living in Alberta and who look online for their pirate stuff might come across my store and have a little glimpse into what I sell with the thought that I might have something else as well. I was hoping that they would come to the store and see us in person. Well, I'm sorry I did so much "wrong" here and I'll leave you all to your "fun". It's been "nice". Trevor Ursulescu Monster Hobbies
  2. Oh dear! Looks like they let the village idiot out of his cage again! Oh, just joking!
  3. Now...back to the real theme of this post....wanna buy some costumes?
  4. Nayy Captain Pogue! Nayy a Thespian...but a Scallywaggg is I, says I!
  5. If you do Kenneth, remeber to have a shower first!
  6. Oh, I guess I should have given ye all fair warning when I posted me last post. Didn't you know I was just tryin' ta live up to the "Awful Pirate Merchant" role? I didn't think you'd all take it personally! The "Black and White" can seem so cutting! Perhaps if I put (just joking) at the end of my last post, you'd all be at ease? If the costumes don't strike yer fancy, I have some top quality metal buttons for shirts as well as Gold Medallions, and other goodies.
  7. I'm disappointed with the lot of you! Since this is the "plunder" section where you're suppose to sell things, I was just here to sell these costumes to an audience that I thought would appreciate it. But since you're all just a bunch of babies who can't get your stupid heads out of the gutter, or out of your own asses, I can see that posting on this fourm is a waste of my time. And I expected more from you all!
  8. I'd have to charge extra!
  9. I have the S,M,L kids sizes and the standard Adult sizes. We can discuss price and shipping later. See you soon! Trevor Ursulescu Monster Hobbies
  10. Since so many of you are interested in the costumes, I thought I'd post the pictures of them.
  11. Arrgh me harties! Monster Hobbies in High River, Alberta has just recieved a boutiful assortment of Pirate costumes. Come to our store and check 'em out! Monster Hobbies 127 3rd Ave SW High River, Alberta, Canada 1-403-652-5019 or leave an E-mail at : www.freewebs.com/monsterhobbies
  12. Ahoy! Finally gots me store online! Here's da link, Matey : http://www.buysell.com/search/inventory.as...linkID=BT000039 I'll be adding in more stuff soon, including all me Pirate items! If you're interested, please bookmark! Mad Cap Romanian Wait! I'm back with a beter site! http://www.freewebs.com/monsterhobbies/ Try that one! You won't be disapointed!
  13. I'm just thinking of the events of the Monster Hobbies 2 year anniversary that happened over the weekend. Besides the fact that only 2 customers entered the Dress Like A Monster contest at least I know that I am appreciated by the folks in the town for what I'm doing. That's where earning money and the rest take a back seat and simple human relations means so much more. Besides, the two that entered the contest stayed for 2 hours and my wife and I played Magic : The Gathering with them. We learned more about the game and we had some good times. I would have given them some of the punch if I brought styrofoam cups....(The punch came as a free-bee when you bought a Tiki Mug.) When they won the contest, their father came in and gave them each an additional $25 on top of the $50 in gift certificates that they won from me. Then he also bought $25 for himself. That means they bought $75 which inadvertantly covered some of the cost of my products from the gift certificates. They're a good family. I've known them for almost 2 years now. (We've only been located in High River for 1.5 years.) Maybe when I hit the 5 year mark I'll be in a position to hire and the kids will be the first on the list. (Well, I can pay them now, but it would be in Magic cards and Hero Clix, and I just don't have enough!) Besides, by that time they should be graduating High School and the town should be at least 50% larger than what it is now. Ha Ha...some of the kids in town made me part of their "Pirate Crew", which for a guy in his earily 30's is pretty good considering that these are teenagers. They even get me to act in their student films and apparently the film teacher likes my acting. Interesting...I didn't realize it until now, but I guess I'm begining to become a legend around this town. I'm probably inspiring these kids to try new things and in a way and I am probably becoming a role model to a lot of them. Ok, I can't be their dad or a hockey hero, but I must be making some kind of a mark if I am slated to star in their second movie as one of the main characters. Even when my wife and I walk around town, people say "There's Monster Hobbies!", like we're the physical embodiment of the 1800 Sq foot location. Even on Halloween last year, a trick or treater came to the door and asked if I would give him a train set in his treat bag. Instead I gave him a 10% off coupon and told him he could use it on a train set instead. I don't now if he ever followed up on that. Maybe I can become like MR.C if things continue the way they are going. MR.C was one of my highschool science teachers who sadly passed away during that same semester. He was the guy that would spell out his name on the blackboard as MR. Cespilliolollypoppollious, and then erase every letter until he got it down to MR.C. He also light fire crackers in class to explain Kenetic energy and would pull out the rusty meat cleaver and ask anyone if they wanted to vollunteer for the blood type tests that all us budding scientist use to do before the aids scare of the 1990's. That was a funny guy that no one ever forgot. When the school had a wake for him, almost every student the guy ever taught showed up, going right back to his first students in the late 1960's and earily 1970's. MR.C inspired me in 1988 to go out there and accomplish something. Sure, science class could be boring, but MR.C made it come alive. Students would be late to their other classes because they were hanging around with MR.C when the bell rang and he litterally had to take attendance and kick the other kids out that weren't on the list! I think MR.C just knew how to give the people what they wanted. Fun in education and someone they could relate to. Yeah, I just never realized I could make an impact like this. I think Monster Hobbies is here to stay.
  14. Well, here it is at 7:30 pm and the day is done. Two kids showed up for the contest and I sold 2 Tiki Mugs, but gave away 1 free drink. Now I'm sitting on 30 litres of fruit juice. The kids won $100 in gift certificates. I'm going to post their picture on the wall with the total of their earnings and I told them to boast to the other kids about it. Maybe then the other people in town will take my ideas seriously. Actually, I'm not too bitter, I did save another $200 in prizes which I can return to my shelf on Tuesday.
  15. We've been in business for 2 years as of July 1st 2004 when we were in the Heritage Flea Market. We're celebratin' by having a "Dress Like A Monster" contest. Also everything in the store will be 13% off and you get a free Non-alcoholic drink when you buy a Tiki mug. The store address is 127 3rd Ave SW, High River, Alberta, Canada. 652-5019. It's also Canada Day today and I think it will be interesting to see people dressed up like monsters today. I'm hoping it will make the papers. I'm also working with a friend to make a web site for Monster Hobbies. It won't have too much on it initially, but I am going to post all my remaining Polar Lights monster kits, Tiki mugs, model cars, and some games. Following that will be all me pirate merchandise. I'll also be doing online mail ordering. I'm new to this, so I would like some suggestions about online business and any other comments would be appreciated as well. ThanX and hope to see you today! Trevor Ursulescu Monster Hobbies
  16. Hello everyone! Julie and I are proud to announce that Monster Hobbies has re-opened in High River! We have changed our location from the hard to find 107 2a Ave Sw to a new, easier to find spot at 127 3rd Ave Sw. Simply turn right at the Fas-gas as you come through downtown via the old #2 Highway and continue on until you reach the end of 3rd Ave. Our new store is located beside Great Garb Clothing and has street front parking. This location is 3 times the size of our old store. This allows us to finally have simular items in the same location, such as the model cars which can now be displayed beside the Hotwheels and 1/18th scale Diecasts. There is enough space to include a large wargames area in the back for people to enjoy. Our regular selection of merchandise has increased in size. We have also included new merchandise which includes collectible Tiki mugs direct from Hawaii, Punk Rock Cd's, T-shirts and posters, Model Railroad scenery, and Pop Kulture stickers, to name a few. Don't forget our growning collection of Pirate items! Why not visit us today? Monster Hobbies 127 3rd Ave SW High River, Alberta, Canada (403) 652-5019 We look forward to seeing you again. Sincerly, Trevor Ursulescu Monster Hobbies
  17. Hello everyone! Julie and I are proud to announce that Monster Hobbies has re-opened in High River! We have changed our location from the hard to find 107 2a Ave Sw to a new, easier to find spot at 127 3rd Ave Sw. Simply turn right at the Fas-gas as you come through downtown via the old #2 Highway and continue on until you reach the end of 3rd Ave. Our new store is located beside Great Garb Clothing and has street front parking. This location is 3 times the size of our old store. This allows us to finally have simular items in the same location, such as the model cars which can now be displayed beside the Hotwheels and 1/18th scale Diecasts. There is enough space to include a large wargames area in the back for people to enjoy. Our regular selection of merchandise has increased in size. We have also included new merchandise which includes collectible Tiki mugs direct from Hawaii, Punk Rock Cd's, T-shirts and posters, Model Railroad scenery, and Pop Kulture stickers, to name a few. Why not visit us today? Monster Hobbies 127 3rd Ave SW High River, Alberta, Canada (403) 652-5019 We look forward to seeing you again. Sincerly, Trevor Ursulescu Monster Hobbies
  18. There's a 4-movie CD at the Canadian Walmarts called "Pirates of the Seven Seas" done by Platinum disc corporation and on it is the 1926 movie "The Black Pirate" starring the best sword fighter in the world, Douglas Fairbanks. The silent film era was from the 1880's to 1928 so any movie in this time period should work for you. If you record a new score for this movie, could you please send me a copy because the one that they usually record on these types of CD's are so bad...it makes me wonder if anyone is even watching the movie while they are recording music for it. :) For example, they end up with love themes during the fight sequences, melodramadic sad music during happy parts of the film and fight music in the love scenes. It's not only on this movie, but I've seen it done to other silent movies as well. It's a crying shame because in a silent movie there's not much for the modern audience to rely on. There's usually no colour images, (with exception to The Phantom of the Opera - 1926 Universal Studios) you have to read the diolog, and the only thing that ties the movie together is the sound track. If you have the wrong soundtrack for the wrong movie and timed out all wrong, then the silent film looses it's excitement. I just don't understand why only a very limited ammount of people in the world can understand this concept. Is it a love scene? Have some romantic music. Maybe "One Enchanted Evening"? Oh look, a fight scene...how about some fast paced music? Oh, the woman has lost her lover...play some melodramatic sad music. Her lover came back and they are laughing it up with their friends...play some happy, goofy music. It's too simple...but why do these companies screw it up? Baffling! Good luck with your endeavor! Mad Cap Romanian.
  19. Nay mate! She be in the Provience of Alberta in these here Canadian wildernesses. Aaargh!
  20. This be a pirate ad I ran in the newspaper on July 13th. Thought you might enjoy me art work. http://public.fotki.com/ursulescu/monster_..._pirate_ad.html
  21. There's a "Master of Balantry" from the 1940's starring Errol Flynn that wasn't mentioned. I know because I have it on the shelf here at home.
  22. See if ye can't get a copy of the show and put it in a format so we's can download it here and watch it.
  23. Most of what your planning has been done in many other games. Pirates of the Crimson Coast, for example, has Risk-like stratagies and comes with ships, forts, and islands. Money in the form of coins is included as is the rules on ramming, boarding and so on. There's even special crew which allow you to do special things on board. What you need is an edge that no one else has. Tie two game concepts together, like a role playing aspect with the risk aspect. Design "developing" characters that go from deck hands to captians and have adventures outside of the regular "grid" ideology. Pick up the "pieces" that the other game makers left out. Just a suggestion from a guy who owns a hobby shop. Yargh!
  24. Ahoy!! So ye wish ta sail yer fleet o'er da waters o' da Crimson Coast? Tink ye have da metele, seys you? BE WARNED! The sea be crawlin' wit da likes o' Pirates, English, Spanish, French an' American ships awaitin' ta runs ye aground an' take yer gold, yer crew, yer ship, yer forts an' e'en yer life! I lived me years to da full, an ol' salt o' da sea, an I seen many a battle fought on dese 'er waters. Take heed! Many a poor seasman be swept down ta Davey Jone's Locker whilest others be horribly wounded by the likes o' Musketeers an' Marines. Many a ship be torn appart, burned up, o'er lost at sea under the hands o' skilled Captians, Cannoneers, Stinkpot Specialist, Chainshot Specialists, Smokepot Specialists, Firepot Specialists or by de dreaded Broadsides Attack. Hopein' Lady Luck be on yer side, seys I. Ye needs it! The lure o' booty be sweat, Matey! 'Tis many a fine explorer which brings back a cargo o' booty to me ship's hold. But be leery o' Marines who'll shoot down yer lad quicker than Flint! Notin' worse dan a chest full o' gold an' a lead ball in yer back! A grand day be when ye's find a Special Treasure or be able ta tow a derelict an' reclaim her as yer prize. Da tables be turned when yer treasure be mighty an' ye take to da sea in yer enemy's former ship, complete wit his crew an' booty! Be it a wise captian who know's his crew, seys I. Many a life's been saved by havin' da right person aboard decks at da right time. Check yer crew's Abilities an' see if'n dey be right fer yer mission. Be listenin' ta me words, seys I, an' ye be learnin' quickly how ta become a terror on de High Seas. When ye blow dem outta da waters, tell 'em da Mad Cap Romanian sent ye! Enough Jabberin'! Get Ready Maties! Weigh anchor an' set sails! Victory to ye an' remeber ...... Dead Men Tell No Tales!
  25. Ahoy! My name be Trevor an' dis be me Wife Julie. We own a hobby store in High River, Alberta that sells Pirate items such as flags, rubber balls, cap guns, model boats, stickers, candy gold, and Pirates of the Spanish Main, among other things. We will be making special tables to play this game in the future. Our store also sell all the other stuff you'd find in a hobby store including art and craft stuff as well as all the other model kit stuff. Next month we will be running a special radio ad on AM 1140 that sounds like an old pirate movie. This commercial runs from 9:05am-9:35 am. We're located at 107 2a Ave in Downtown High River. Port opens from 9-5 Tue-Sat. If you want to know more about us and see our store online, contact me via e-mail. ursulescu@excite.com.
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