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Everything posted by Pew

  1. Btw, it's summer. Cheers.

  2. Ladies and gentlemen. I have sent the sprites and minions home for the summer. In lieu of a nice meal or delicious fare, an overt debauch is necessary. The bar is open.
  3. AH! A fine salute from the Captain. Good to hear from thee!! Your place is always set here at the Kate.
  4. Glad to be of service. Mister Lasseter's, by the way, is looking a bit ragged as of late. The chandelry should set it to rights. Any word from the Lucy's Captain lately?
  5. Sirs hammock is ready.
  6. Aye, and a curly straw to boot. New Orleans Planter's Punch, served.
  7. Supper anyone? The place seems a bit empty, mayhaps the smells will tempt others . . . Beef Ribs with an Espresso/Chile Rub Fire Roasted Potatoes & Chilies Rotisserie Grilled Onions Brazilian Cheese Bread
  8. A departure from the usual morning biscuit. Fontina stuffed bacon wrapped dates, paired with a cup of the blue mountains.
  9. Morning all. Breakfast is available outdoors this morning.
  10. has 15 days of work left until 60+ off.

    1. William Brand

      William Brand

      One of those rare times where math fails, for each day you subtract from the 15 will make the remaining days become longer. until the last day will be some 40+ hours long. then the first day of freedom will seem full and free of clocks, but the last few days of the 60 will be reduced to mere minutes.

  11. Yes, it was a long night. Even so, coffee and bacon is ready this morning.
  12. Ah. Sir's "desserts" are ready.
  13. Sir's room is ready. The previous occupants have . . .errr . . . moved on. Bacon wrapped turkey is served.
  14. Ah yes, the grills are fired early today. The lunch special: Lamb Kabobs with mint pesto
  15. Early brekkie here at the Kate: Coconut French toast w/grilled pineapple salsa Citrus blush
  16. In this deep sea genre, (of which I feel a story is brewing or stewing as the case may be), Takoyaki is served with a delicious Asahi
  17. Dinner? Grilled Mahi Mahi with Ginger and Wine served over Asparagus spears
  18. The conversation alone could make lesser men (and women) faint upon entry. A long day for myself today. I think a fine 23 yo Ron Zacapa paired with a Paul Garmirian Gourmet Series cigar will set the evening to rights. A late sup mayhaps.
  19. Thankee William kindly . . . The time afforded brings a mere smile . . . Dinner special: Key West Paella A Sierra Nevada paired with the offerings . .
  20. Excellent. I shall move in my things this afternoon. In the meantime, lunch is served. Panko-crusted Crab Cake Bites with Roasted Pepper-Chive Aioli And a Heavy Seas triple hop infused IPA to wash it down.
  21. :dusts Christine's picture off: Welcome back.
  22. Welcome lad. Wallowin' 's not wot we do round 'ere. We call it . . . . mutiny. There's a cutlass under th' bar and brace o' pistols by the door . . .
  23. Good morning all. Breakfast is served. Gallo Pinto and plantains.
  24. One that has remained alive for 38 years. William tends to have bottles of non-descript libations about. Privy to these, I'd like to offer thee a sample.
  25. Ah, the plot thinnens. In the meantime, the help was able to scavenge up some brekkie. William, any need for a barkeep at present?
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