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About Pirate_Paul

  • Birthday 01/13/1984

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    I finally made it…, it was a long run but here I am. I started my dream 16 years ago……. When I was in kindergarten I met a friend named Garret, we were friends from the first day of school. Later on I had a dream that I never go tied of, me sailing the Caribbean on a pirate boat, me as the captain, Garret as my first mate (rest of crew is yet to filled in, except for the guy who cleans the poop deck, I know who that’s going to be). So my plane was simple, make as much money as we possibly can, and spend as little as possible. After high school garret moved in to my place, which was my parent place but they moved out, so I got a free home. We went to college together, I got into being a computer programmer with a side job of investing in real estate. Garret did the same thing. We both ended up working in the same job, and we are both are investing in real estate. This is what a am currently doing right now, but I am getting ready for the next big step in my adventure, buying the pirate ship. This is where I am going to need some help, so if any one can help me please do.

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  1. So Pirate Paul ...ever buy that pirate ship?

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