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  1. Ah ha!!! So this is where all you wenches are hanging out!!! I might have known. Wherever there are pirates, aye?? Thanks for the compliment Cjssavvy!! (Young lady??? ) The Riviera theater where Cjss chose to have the interactive was so beautifully suited to something like this. The gorgeous chandeliers, golden filigree scrollwork and plush 80-year-old original decor made the perfect setting. It was breathtaking. If you have an older theater in your area that has similarly maintained it's original glamour, you could approach them first. The chains are not so easy to convince to hold an interactive, at least not without forking over megabucks to them for the privilege. Plus most of them have contracts with the studios which may prohibit such a thing being held at regular movie times. Independantly owned theaters are the way to go. And yes, indeed, the interactive idea is meant to be enjoyed by everyone. That was the whole purpose in putting up the website...to spread the idea, so all POTC fans could join in the fun. Neo and I have no problem whatsoever with people using our script. Again, that's why we put it on the internet. And we don't have any problem with the regional differences that Lorien referred to. Our interactive script has already been translated into other languages, in countries such as Italy. Naturally, as the idea spreads, there are going to be changes made and new lines added. The nice thing is that 99% of them have acknowledged that we came up with the concept and that they are borrowing our script. Of course there will always be someone who tries to take credit for an idea or a script that they had absolutely nothing to do with creating. We're lucky that we've got such a fine crew on the Interactive site who are all faithful hands before the mast. Each one of them is worth his/her salt! Lorien's event last fall was by far the most successful interactive ever held. We're very proud of her and her group and we're thrilled with the funds that were raised for FEAT. That, in itself, makes all the time and effort put into our idea and site well worth it. But that is not meant to take anything away from Cjssavvy and her event. Of all the ones I've been to in both Canada and the United States, I was the most enthralled with hers. As already mentioned, the surroundings left you in awe. She even had an elderly couple in attendance--obviously in their 70's--who stood and applauded when the movie was over and thanked me on their way out for such a fun evening. The funnest one I ever went to was all in French. Myself being an English Canadian, I was worried that I would have difficulty with the interactions being 'en français' and knowing when the opportune moments were to shout out the lines. Amazingly, the French script came just as easily as the English one did and both showings were massive successes judging from the reactions of all the attendees. If you're interested at all in holding one, I would strongly suggest you visit our "how-to" page. The suggestions there have been invaluable to many organizers. Plus, Neo and I are always there to lend a helping hand. http://www.potcinteractive.com/howto.html Now....what are ya lookin' at!! Back to work!!
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