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Steel Scimitar

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    I am a student of Archaeology, Paleontology, Anthropology, and Atropysics amoung many other thing. Both Scottish and English Pirates are in my bloodline.

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  1. I heard a tale about 20 years ago about a treasure hoard found in New Jersey in the early 1980's. I will be ommiting some details because I have done this research and have found evidence of the story proving the tale to have at the very least, a good amount of fact to it. I have found the cave opening itself, I have maps of the underground tunnel/cave systems, and I intend to find a way in since the main entrance is sealed. I need to see the empty treasure room with my own eyes. Here is the story...: In the early 1980's a large building near a river in New Jersey was being built. As the foundations were being dug a construction crew member operating a tractor fell through the ground. The construction worker survived the fall but the tractor was damaged. The fellow got up and dusted himself off. Up the tunnel in the distance he saw something glimmering. He went to see what it was, picked it up, and brought it to the light. What he was holding was a CUT emerald the size of his fist! Word got out and treasure hunters and archaeologists came from all over. After multiple deaths, what was found was one of Captain Blackbeard's Treasure Hoards! This find helped fund the building being built, a new City Hall, School, Library, and so on... All that I have is the virbal story handed down to me. A friend of mine in Washington State verified this story and told me that he saw this story in a documentary years ago but does not remember the title nor where he saw it. I have the virbal story, the maps, and I have found the cave entrance... I know EXACTLT where it is and know where the empty treasurey room is. But what I do not have is a newspaper clip, book, documentary verifying the story. Essentially I have the answer but not the question. I need something to point to so that I may say "I found the site, I have the answer". In addition to being a student of Archaeology, Anthropology, Paleontology, and so on, I am also well on my way to becoming an author. I want to write this story since the city has gone to great lengths to cover it up both physically and figuratively. But in order to do that, I need source mateirials to research and site. Plus I need to get into the underbelly of the city and find the empty treasury chamber. Thus far I have found 4 possible ways in. One of them may get me into that chamber! As an interesting note. This very site and story may very well have inspired the movie The Goonies. I ask for your help and knowledge!!!
  2. Ahoy, all hands before The Mast! Permission to board! I am Steel Scimitar. I am a student of Archaeology, Paleontology, Anthropology, and Astrophysics amoung many other things. I hear tell a stroy almost 20 years ago. Last week I have proven the story to be true through hard work, research, and a weather eye, it is a story about Captain Blackbeard and his crew. It appears that I have finally been approved by the Admin to write. So I'll write the story tomorrow on it's own thread after me head is cleared from Vodka. As for now I can finally celebrate my discovery and will continue to do so until the Vodka is gone! I'll be writing in hopes of finding more information. What I have is the virbal story handed down to me, I have the answer, but I lack the historical writing. I lack the thing to point at and site so that I may say... "I have the answer". I come to ye in hopes of finding the question, be it a documentary or something written, something to cross check. I thank the Admin for ye approval!
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