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Posts posted by fergal

  1. "Your always gonna have problems lifting the body in one piece. Apparently, what your supposed to do is cut the body up into six pieces and pile it all together.

    Then when you got your six pieces, you gotta get rid of them, cause its no good leaving them in the deep freeze waiting for your mum to discover them is it?

    Then i hear the best thing to do is feed them to pigs. You gotta starve the pigs for a few days, then the sight of a chopped up body will look like a curry to a pisshead. You gotta shave the head and pull out the teeth for the sake of the piggies digestion. You could do this afterwards but you dont wanna go sieving through pigshit now do ya?

    They will go through bone like butter.... you need at least 16 pigs to finish the body in one setting. So be wary of any man that owns a pig farm.

    They will go through a 200lb body in about 8 minutes, that means that a single pig can consume 2lbs of uncooked meat every minute. Hence the expression..........as greedy as a pig"

  2. still seeking custom commissions for wood metal stone and leather.

    dont be afraid to ask about something you have in mind

    many things can be had fairly inexpensively, just because its custom doesnt make it expensive ya know!

    for those that dont have me site


    dont forget ALL my work comes with a lifetime warranty.

    theres a direct link to the folio.

    the contact info is in the, well, contact section ;)

    or you can just contact me via PM here at the forum.

    Yours in Service


  3. in the begining o the movie theres a shot of a fella * the one sleepin with the piggies that Capn Jack wakes up with a bucket o water* takin a swig o grog outta a leather bottle * a wee one * could someone grab a couple of stills of that fer me please? and email it to shane@granddesignworkshop.com ?

    *dont worry, big bitmaps dinnae scare me. * I loves me broadband hehe*

    thank yea

    Lord <?!?! Fergal the botteler (some joker went and slapped a AoA on me, arrr the scurvy seadogs!)

  4. nay FORTY-five but that be a nice try there me bucko! :rolleyes:

    typos.....the bane o our existance hehe.... and yessir the cuirbolli bottle be lookin like that one on me main page. Just paypal this ole rapscallion at shane@granddesignworkshop.com the 45. and you be gettin a bottle post haste! *also dont forget to make sure that your paypal shipping info is CURRENT....thats important...also if you dont use paypal never fear, I be a premium member so you can use a CC via paypal without actually needin a paypal acct.*

  5. wot?! no takers? *sigh*

    but then again I guess yea pyrates be hoardin that rum


    ok mates lets broadin that to include REALLY nice singlemalts cognacs etcetc

    *seriously though, if yall have anytrhing youd like to barter lemme know*

    *back to the workshop*

  6. ok then hrm it occured to me, I owe Master Tearlach the Profane a bottle of booze, and since yall be Pirates, yall MUST have some DAMN FINE rum stashed SOMEWHERE. so I gots me a pavaler fer yea. tell me what rum yea have, quote me something I can make fer yea for it. leather stone and wood available media.

    please help keep Fergal from the clutches of Tearlach * he hits DAMN hard with those darn rattan halbards*

  7. ooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAITWAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    seems the webmaster just got back to me says the video is back up *much cooler version...stan and his buds drinkin in a cabin lol*

    sec lemme test .........hrm nope still buggy....when its up ill link yall as I doubt the url from the other thread will be the same.

  8. *wipes a tear from his eye* sniff sniff. roflmfao

    oi then Cap'n you going to Pennsic this year? I have a one gallon jug of 12 yr singlemalt and a funnel Id dearly like to introduce yea to!

    Ill regale you with the story of sparky the flying tuchux and the Calontir sheild wall. *grins* ifn yea are goin just ask for Fergal atr Concordia of the Snows camp. or just ask around im "known" :huh: mahaps you can help me with next years custard pie mercenary boarding crew? *lets that dangle*

  9. since the webmaster cant figure out whats wrong with that carnsarn videolink Ive taken matters into me own hads! arrrr!


    if you really enjoyed that song PLEASE visit stans site and support his work and family.

    he passed on in 83 from a plane crash a great loss for all of us.


    for a first album I HIGHLY recommend "Home in Halifax"

    also I wont be hosting this more than a week due to bandwidth limitations, sorry :huh:


  10. Barret's Privateers of course!

    by the late great Stan Rogers

    *roots around for lyrics*

    ahh here we go

    O the year was 1778

    How I wish I was in Sherbrooke now

    A letter of marque came from the king

    To the scummiest vessel I've ever seen

    God damn them all

    I was told we'd cruise the seas for American gold

    We'd fire no guns, shed no tears

    Now I'm a broken man on a Halifax pier,

    The last of Barrett's Privateers

    2. O Elcid Barrett cried the town

    How I wish I was in Sherbrooke now

    For twenty brave men all fishermen who

    Would make for him the Antelope's crew

    God damn them all . . . .

    3. The Antelope sloop was a sickening site

    How I wish I was in Sherbrooke now

    She'd list to the port and her sails in rags

    And the cook in the scuppers with the staggers and jags

    God damn them all . . . .

    4. On the King's birthday we put to sea

    How I wish I was in Sherbrooke now

    Ninety-one days to Montego Bay

    Pumping like madmen all the way

    God damn them all . . . .

    5. On the ninety-sixth day we sailed again

    How I wish I was in Sherbrooke now

    When a great big Yankee hove in sight

    With our cracked four-pounders we made to fight

    God damn them all . . . .

    6. The Yankee lay low down with gold

    How I wish I was in Sherbrooke now

    She was broad and fat and loose in stays

    But to catch her took the Antelope two whole days

    God damn them all . . . .

    7. Then at length she stood two cables away

    How I wish I was in Sherbrooke now

    Our cracked four-pounders made awful din

    But with one fat ball the Yank stove us in

    God damn them all . . . .

    8. The Antelope shook and pitched on her side

    How I wish I was in Sherbrooke now

    Barrett was smashed like a bowl of eggs

    And the main truck carried off both me legs

    God damn them all . . . .

    9. Now here I lay in my twenty-third year

    How I wish I was in Sherbrooke now

    It's been six years since we sailed away

    And I just made Halifax yesterday

    God damn them all . . . .

    now lesse if i can find that streaming link for all you folks wot never heard of this song * doesnt think thats likely on THIS forum heh, but ya never know*


  11. oh my, nono, theres no pics of the tankards yet, that knotwork bottle was the first one id made, and hand stiching THEN pounding one of those THEN tooling with the sand still in?? erm, ya REALLY dont want to know....lol ok fine ill tells ya, prolly around 120 for something like that, the peice would take about 16 hours of labor alone if done like that, tankards are MUCH easier to tool because ther require very little in the way of shaping, can be tooled flat without risk to the work *pushing out* although the stitching is about the same.

    thank yea for yer compliments though. :)

    on a side note, when i get the time to try it im going to see what carving after cuirbolli is like, it may be a viable alternative to tooling a bottle with packing sand in it and would bring the price down CONSIDERABLY.

  12. me regular bottles are 45

    me costrels are 60

    as far as using epoxy based polymers.

    a) their very expensive

    b. two part polymers that have a 30 min max usage time which is a REAL pain when making alot of bottles

    c) incrediby toxic to use until dry

    also to champion cuirbolli, understand something mateys, most people that do work similiar to mine do NOT cuirbolli, they *rinse line* with wax or pitch after heating the leather in a oven so that it soaks a lil into it. problem with this is that theres a heavy coating on the inside. problem with THAT is this is prone to cracking and leaking, are more fragile, and also since theres a excess of coating will flavor anything over a certain tempature and will impart a strong flavor to anything alchoholic.

    cuirbollied pieces are imearsed and left to soak in the wax, and the wax permeates INTO the leather and bonds to the fibers, so theres a LOT less excess wax to react with beverages, I still wouldnt recommend putting anything boiling hot in them or anything stronger than say 40 proof but after many many months of trial and error Ive found this to be the best compromise of period vs ease of use and palatability vs durability.

    and when your offering a lifetime warranty on all your work you like to be REAL sure your doing what ya think is best :ph34r:

    mind you, those with polymer lined vessels, I envy and admire you, I LOVE scotch *grins* if I had a more practical way of using it safely and in a timely manner and ordering it with ease and at a more reasonable price id be all over it.

    one thing to note before anyone mentions them. seal-a-cell and related products are NOT inert when dry. DONT be drinkin outta them with high alchohol content beverages, mind you their ducky with anything like wine/beer/mead/ and hot beverages.

    Mr Hawks if youd like a bottle just throw me a email via the site

    or reply here.

    thank you EVERYONE for your feedback, remember though im not asking WILL you buy one im asking WOULD you buy one at 60 if it were hand stitched?

  13. no pics as of yet this be a survey arrrr! *grins* sides Id hate to post the prototype as a example, as the design will likely change but the tankards would hold close to 2 pints, the bottles hold 1 liter + and the costrels 2 liter +

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