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Everything posted by Surge

  1. and me crew hails mostly from TX, but also in CO, NE, and Iraq!
  2. Me farspeaker number be 254-368-1638 :)
  3. Killeen be me home port. But me has pirates in Temple as well. The rest o me crews are spread out in Houston, Colorado, Nebraska, and one poor soul in Iraq. As it is event season here in Texas, we be pressin unsuspecting seafarers into service to help in the general pirating of Ansteorra!!! Good rum, grog, and plunder to any we be takin a likin to!
  4. We be a pyarate household in the SCA and are looking fer new pyrates to come join us at events and to go general pyratin in the area!!! Give me an email at swift_ironhead@hotmail.com
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