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About DuCouer
- Birthday 04/20/1968
Great site you seem to be covering everything...I loved it and added it to my Faves list
listen to Hawkins lads he knows what he speaks of. I prefer the cut and thrust Rapier. It offers excellnet point countrol and well as being able to inflict cuts. Arms and Armour has two great c&t's The French and Venetian have wider baldes (about1.09 and 1.14 respectivelty.) both are quite light just around two pounds and look great on either a Gentleman or Pirate Captain.... I have a C&T Rapier with a caged hilt, and use a main Gauche with knuckle guard for my left hand. Just a point to make here, most Pirate Actions did not take place on board on ships. Pirates raided alot of towns all of which were on land, so either a rapier or Cutlass would work. Some one also mentioned that it depends on what age of Piracy you are going for. FRom the late 1600's thru the 1700's, the rapier had disappeared and the small sword was carried on land. Mt era of study is more Elizabethan to mid 1600's..so I'll stick with my Rapier thank you very much.
I 'm from/ living in Pittsburgh. Look me up when you arrive...The Pittsburgh Ren- Fest starts in late August ansd the first Weekend is Pirate Weekend.
Hey Gang...I just had to run back here and tell you of the treasure I found at Media Play. It is called "Pirates of Tortuga" on DVD...I haven't watched it yet but it was made in 1962..is in color and..wait for it...letting the Drama build...It has a prieview of the Black Swan...it is coming out on DVD mates. Huzzah Huzzah. I am totally stoked. I can't wait to go on my quest to find it. Thank goodness they are releasing these classics on DVD..now if only Roman Pulanski's Pirates would come out on DVD...I would be complete...
I have just discovered a great series of books by Author Dudley Pope. While he is best known for the "Lord Ramage" series about the Napoleonic wars, in the tradition of O'brien and C.S.Forester (Master and Commander, and Horatio Hornblower respectively), He has written a Quadrology(?) about a 17th century Buccaneer named Ned Yorke. The first book is "Buccanner", the second is "Admiral", followed by "Galleon", and finally Corsair. All take place in the Carribean, are chock full of Nautical and geographical detail, as well as the politcal situation in Europe (The Rise and Fall of Cromwell and the Restoration) are entertainingly told. You are learning History, Geography, and sailing and not even knowing it. The books are a little difficult to find, but Borders or Barnes and Noble should be able to order them, and they are only $10.00 apiece for about 350-400 pages of swashbuckling fun. I highly recommend these books. Oh by the way...the series actually ends with 2 more books that continue the Yorke family line during WW II. As mentioned they are a little difficult to find, but that what Treasure Hunting is all about...Good luck mates. If your looking for pure history...David Cordingly "Under a Black Flag" And Angus Konstans "History of Pirates"
I'll agree with Deadly Dru on the Triple threat...only it would be pistol then Rapier with Main Gauche... Altho my Rapier is of the cut and thrust variety, generally Rapiers were not that great on board a ship...so if my Rapier won't work then it down to hackn' and slashin' with a cutlass...
Well Historically speaking...Pirates took what ever they captured and then adapted it to their needs. In the Cariribean during the 16th and 17th century where there was "no pean behind the line" The English fought the Dutch the The French fought the English and everybdy fought the Spanish. Spanish ships in the Main carried large amounts of gold, and they often had large crews consisting not only sailors but soldiers as well...and yes they wore Breast plates and Morion helmets and carried pikes...When in a pirate movie has one ever seen a pike. My point is...and forgive the redundancy of the History lesson...Whear what is practical...what is comfortable for the climate..and you will not only look like a pirate (Hollywood or otherwise), but will also be historically accurate. For a great book on Pirate stuff..including accessories and Weapons...check out Osprey Press, Elite series...Elizabethan Seadogs, and Buccaneers 1620-1700 both written by Angus Konston.
I caught the ending of Swashbuckler with Robert Shaw and James Earl Jones last week on Encore/action. The great thing was that everyones favorite Grumpy Dad...Peter Boyle from Everybody Loves Raymond was the villian. That cracked me up...then to see him playing with a wooden boat in a big Bath Tub with a young man...Laughed even Harder. The duel between him and Shaw wasn't too shabby. Rapier vs Rapier...Rapier vs Cutlass...not bad...I just have to see this all the way through. The Black Swan with Tyrone Power POTC (of Course) Cutthroat Island...I don't care I love this movie The seven Voyages of Sinbad (Patrick Wayne) I need to expand my collection a bit...but it is really hard to find these...I also need to find Captain Blood and some of those Long John Silver Movies...
I did actually see it just the other day in the Young adult section of Walden-books...I didn't buy it because I found anther pirate book (dudley Pope's Buccaneer ) and because I'm a 30 something pirate...har har. But if it is a good read in the tradition of Treasure Island...I may pick it up....
This is just bloody brilliant...This would be alot of fun. I did the Rocky horror thing before and a group of us used to do this to Roger Rabbit (don't ask). But this would be just alot of fun and I like the idea of using it as a fundraiser kind of thing for local charities....
I must admit I was really anticipating this show..I mean c'mon it's the 17th century. I was however really disappointed in the cast, and the fact that it was puritan colony. If the year is 1620..Wasn't Cromwell in power already? Wasn't puritan rule in England absolute and the Royalist being thrown out? I am so tired of ever one pitying the poor puritan...ooo they were cast out due to their religous beliefs...Bull the bloody Roundheads were thrown out and their leaving was applauded because of their..uptightedness(?). For crying out loud they beheaded the king then seized all of the land, both in England and the colonies (for a great book read Dudley Pope's Buccaneer.) all that aside, I am looking forward to more episodes....hopefully it will touch on some of the historical inconsistancies. And it they are casting for a pirate reality series...I'm in...
Hey Folks..is the black beard Fest...anywhere near the VA Ren-Fest? if it is, I might be able to make it...Then I can be another East Coast Pan-historian who will be there... If I miss the Blackbeard Festival..then I will be at the VA Ren Fest later that same mont. If anyone from the Forum is attending that let me know...
I will definatly be looking for that title come August...In the mean time if it's Pirate stories ya be wantin' check out ElCorazon from Cross-Gen Comics...drawn by Steve Epting (Avengers, Namor) and written by the inimitable chuck Dixon (Detective Comics, Batman). A good read. DuCouer
Well the obvious choice iright now is Pirates of the Carribean. I also recommend Cutthroat Island, and I recently saw a 3-movie DVD with three cheesy classics like Son of the Count of Monte Christo and Blackbeard. And if Yellow beard is out yet try that one.
ok a question ya gobs. In the last scene in the cave before Barbossa's death...Jack tosses the coin to Will...But not before slashing his own hand. Ok So after watching the DVD 5 times I just noticed it. Could it be that Jack and Will are Brothers? Maybe the curse needed the blood of two of Bootstraps sons. This is further reinforced at the end of the movie Jacks hands are bandaged, as well as bound, just a thought mates..maybe we will find out in the sequel