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Jonathan Hawks

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Wisconsin - Somewhere outside the Great Lakes
  • Interests
    Ren Faires and gatherings, reenacting medieval history, reading, hiking, wenching, sailing, collecting antique weapons and armor and chats
  1. I be lookin for a new pair o boots. Gots me a hole in one now from last season.
  2. Heather Cherry (Octavia Bourdeux) and Chris Diamond East Coast Privateers Thar be many a grand pictures I be seein here. hat goes off ta ya I says.
  3. Aye... Too bloody long I says. That darn toilin be takin all me time. But a good thing that be too. These days piratin hurts many fer a livin. I tries me best ta be gettin bout these waters. Thank ya kindly fer the reply.
  4. Tis been a good year since I been sailin in these waters. Much been going on in me life. me opes ta be gettin back on ere a regular like. So, me be hopein many of ya earlier byrds still be sailin about ere. So, rum in yer eye me says. be well and look fer me bout more oft. Capin Jonathan Hawks
  5. Ok, I know I been gone fer some tyme, but I be back fer a bit now. I just posted me pictures from this festival this past weekend. Just be followin me link i'fn ya be interested in seein em. http://www.sirclisto.com/51main.html Jonathan hawks
  6. I usually play a noble Lord, and played King Richard the Lionhearted on the History Channel this year. Jonathan Hawks
  7. I be looking fer a soft tail..... Oh wait...that be a Harley. Jonathan Hawks
  8. Merry...oops, wrong thread.
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