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Everything posted by renfairpirate

  1. I still have some but will need to look for them
  2. I can do paypal Renfairepirate@aol.com Thanks
  3. I have 80 of these 1 1/2 inch Buckles don't know why i have 80, I think they are part Rabbit. But they are for sale $0.75 Each Plus $5.20 Priority Mail Shipping I Also have 75 Double bar 1 inch by 1/2 inch Buckles. $0.40 Each Plus Priority Mail Shipping Thanks For Looking 1 1/2 inch 1 inch by 1/2 inch
  4. You could also try and a old pool liner and cut it to size
  5. Yes, I was confused, I thought you were talking about adding the powdered graphite to the plaster that makes up the mold, not applying it to the surface of the mold prior to casting. we always just used a candle. Does the powdered graphite evenly stick to the mold surface? I never thought of powdered graphite for casting, always just thought of it as a dry lubricant for locks. The dry casting lube costs around $12.00 an oz. all it is, Is fine powdered graphite with a high dollar name. It just takes a small amount to coat, The plaster will look dirty Gray not black I only use it if i am doing a button with alot of detail or pouring more than 50 buttons from the same plaster mold
  6. Ok you might want to get a tube of powdered graphite from the hardware store.The stuff you use on door locks. It cost around $2.00 and dust the mold with it, Sometimes you need it sometimes not. It will help extened mold life I will edit my earlier post
  7. I use powdered graphite,I thought I included that in the instructions
  8. Oh by the way anyone intersted in 100 Dread Pirate Robert Buttons 3/4 inch shank back $35.00 Shipped. The copper looking spots are some weird light reflection.
  9. Ok here are 1,25 and 50 And 75-100 I could get maybe another 50 or so out of this mold I hope this helps anyone who is going to try to make there own
  10. And 75 & 100 I am cleaning and polishing them now,Will post pics of finished buttons later today
  11. I use Hobby Lobby casting and mold making plaster $4.99 for 8 pounds here is number 25 50
  12. Good question. lets try a new mold and pour 100 buttons and check every 25. Here is button 1. It is uncleaned right out of the mold
  13. It gets a little better each day I started casting again but it is slow going for now. Still needs more clean up but I got a whole 14 poured
  14. Hello Everyone, Thanks for the well wishes, Surgery went well They bypassed 5 arteries. Had an infection set up house in one of my leg incisions. They were talk about amputation But just found out last week that i get to keep my leg for now. So I just wanted to see if anyone has tried this yet
  15. We must have Pictures

  16. I Still have these for sale if anyone is interested
  17. Sculpey will burn when you pour molten pewter in it,been there tried that The extra firm stuff worked a little better but still only good for two or three pours I got started making buttons because i was making leather pouches and the button selection at walmart sucks. So i started trying everything i could think of to make a cheap mold.RTV rubber is not cheap average mold cost is $35-40 at the time i could not justify the cost to myself I found out that you use investment plaster to cast silver and gold so I thought why not try some craft plaster just to see what will happen.I just got started using rubber last year but still use plaster if i just need a small run of a new button as the plaster mold only cost around 50 cents
  18. Have you thought about gold leafing them
  19. I just started looking in plating pewter if i find a cheap way of doing it I"ll post It
  20. I can get about 60 or 70 buttons out of these molds as is, but there are some tricks you can use to get more. powdered graphite helps extends mold life, I have some of these molds that have over 300 buttons poured, I have one mold that i still pour after 2 years maybe 1200 buttons.
  21. Now remove tape and separate mold you might have to pull hard. Remove clay Next place mold in 350 degree oven for 2-3 hours when dry cut vents and pour sprue I use a melting pot now but i started with a old tuna can and melted pewter on the stove top You can get pewter by the pound on-line but with shipping it is like $25.00 if you can get a few people together and do a group buy on a 5 pound bar you can get the price down to around 12-14 bucks a pound Here is the first button out of the mold in pewter I tumble my buttons with steel shot but you can buff them on a old pair of jeans and they will shine up Someone said try lead free solder I will try it later on tonight and post the results Ok here is one poured with 60/40 it came out fine but it is a little soft i have some hard lead free around here somewhere for making screw back coins i just need to find it If you have any questions fell free to ask
  22. Step 2 When plaster is set remove from clay and remove pattern Now if you are working with a thick piece or unfinished back take a small peice of clay and roll it out to the thickness you want the finished button Place clay in the mold and form the shank Spray the face of the mold with a heavy coat of pan spray if you forget this step you will not get the mold apart later Cut the top off the other cup and tape the two togather and fill with plaster let set 45-50 min
  23. Lets make a Dutch East India Company Button Step 1 Roll out your clay slightly larger than the top of your cup and center you pattern Then make alignment keys I use the back of the craft brush Spray a light coat of pan spray on the pattern, Wipe off excess Cut top off cup Place frame around pattern and seal edge Mix enough plaster to fill first half of mold Fill mold and let set till plaster is set about 45-50 min
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