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Everything posted by Gallows

  1. Lol It was a wonderful day :) - look forward to doing it again next year! The beer tent near the stage ran out of beer at about 3 in the afternoon - tragic....
  2. You and whose navy!
  3. Ahoy me'earties, This is the second time I've been to Hastings (in the UK) for a pirate world record attempt and the 2nd time they've broken it! Over 14,000 pirates showed up in Hastings on Sunday afternoon to set the new record for most pirates in one place :) it's actually the 4th time I've been performing at a world record breaking attempt, I guess we're the lucky charm! As I was touring with Pyrates! at the time it's featured on our little tour trailer below: there will be a slightly longer feature in the next few weeks :)
  4. Pyrates! upcoming release - Buried Treasure is now avaliable from our shop on Pyrates.co.uk A clip o' some o' tha' tunes can be found on tha' main page o' tha' website.. 9 tracks o pirate folk music fer yer listening pleasure! Recorded at Pyrates! secret cove 2011 Track listing be as follows: The Diamond, High Barbary, Gentleman Soldier, Drunken Sailor, Bell Bottom Trousers, Old Dun Cow, Strike The Bell, Botany Bay, Whisky In The Jar,
  5. Forums for uk pirate types back online http://forums.pyrates.co.uk

  6. never mind christmas - I can't wait for Nola Pyrate Week :P

  7. Thanks for coming to see us Dueller , what an odd gig thou! Twas fun to play, despite being slightly undermanned :)
  8. Ahoy! I don't post here often (look at my massive post count! ) but everyone was rather worried! - glad ta see it's back! Give all tha' rum to Stynky says I!!
  9. I think the Southwest pirate festival is on the bank holiday in late may, being the 28th this year. Which means it'd run from the evening of the 25th (so we can setup) and open to the next morning and run till sunday evening... However i'm not totally sure, someone track down Foxe!
  10. He brews a lovely cup of tea!
  11. I was given a glorious lack of information on the subject of swansea mate.
  12. Not at all! - I never check the site... more or less true, i'm not as active here as i ment to be...
  13. Arrr! Mariner? don't that be a fancy word fer Port? I sent a runner to captain cutlass - getting to swansea shouldn't be a problem, i'll just swim over the severn
  14. I missed the plank fest :S - I actually didn't know it was on, When is the swansea gig?
  15. A good reefknot would of course be a good choice..... I think I may still be having trouble:
  16. Iron Morty Cash well that sounds like a Johnny Cash/Iron Maiden Tribute band...
  17. Porno name: Samson Nelson Romance name: Mathew Churchhill Pirate name: White Fingers Matt it be the year 1505 and Matthew was Drinking heavily in a tavern, on his way home he decided to paint a fence white...... NO NO No, that's just not good enough! OKAY! Lets try some other front doors of mine and other things i've hurt recently, I hurt my fingers on a snare drum, I do it so often that I don't think it counts. Purple Head Matt it be the year 1564 and Matthew The Carpenter was making house calls as was his duty with work. He knocks "Hello?" A young woman replies" "Hi there, i've come to look at your chest..." NO! NO NO NO NO NO Are you sure this is a PIRATE name generator? Let's use my other middle name and another recent "injury" Black Knees Dave I think if you're using more than one thing ie: fingers knees eyes you should use a D .. Finger'd Knee'd Eye'd This could be a better variable?
  18. Intresting point about bandana tying, I'd never thought about it really, i use a good old fashioned Granny Knot!
  19. i'm actually going through a piratical identity chrisis at the moment, and i'm trying to get away from the jack sparrow image Bleddyn Is My Real Name! I started using in piratical circles after a lovely lass called me Bleddyn the Mighty Pirate! The search goes on thou... Sjörövaren - är du Svensk?
  20. Tas' bin too long since we went fer grog! So we be dressin' up in full colours and going for a few gallons 'o rum at the The Old Fire House this friday (17th June) we'll be there from 8....
  21. Alas I cannot join ye in yonder town this fine weekend
  22. No I didn't! I'll see what i can do, it's only 50 miles away, I need a land ship of some kind If we do come we'll be dressed as hollywood style pirates! What time does it all start?
  23. Aye! Apologies on my part too! I had been drinkin' just a tad too long ya see! Now lets go have a pint!
  24. Not th' kind for a quick jape ay mate? I was just havin' a wee laugh :)
  25. I'd love ta go ta' the whitehaven festival but it be a bit far away as it goes, i'm thinkin' 'bout me crewmates 'ere, we're naught but humble pirates an' most 'o us be a little short o' booty!!
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