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Mother Crow

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About Mother Crow

  • Birthday 06/02/1972

Profile Information

  • Location
    Landlocked Colorado
  1. ...Oh? Mmm...I'm from the same Renaissance Festival. I haven't worked there for years, but my husband has. My daughter used to attack you every weekend. But no one ever remembers me. :) Just my husband...who most recently was some sort of Spaniard with a lisp.
  2. Hee hee hee. I know you. But I highly doubt you remember me. :)
  3. Yes, it's the only one that I've worked "officially". :) Oops, guess I'd best learn ta read... I meant ta say, from 1989 to 1998.
  4. It's a strange story, and probably isn't funny unless you were in on it at the beginning. We all know the old rhyme which starts, "One crow for sorrow..." There was a time in my life when, everywhere I went, it seemed that I saw one crow everywhere I went, and I started feeling a little bit paranoid. I complained to my hub that they were following me! The funny thing is, that he started seeing them, too. It seemed like they were actually posting sentries and passing reports along a line wherever I went...I mean, their actions looked this way. So we started joking that they were actually my bodyguards, sent to keep an eye on me because I was their chosen leader. But I didn't like the name Crow Queen, and I'm actually rather proud of the fact that I'm a mother, so I chose Mother Crow. Boy, I hope that's not as boring as it seems.
  5. Glad ta meet ye! I'll have a bit o' your rum, don't mind if I do! I think this may be the best part o' bein' a pyrate!
  6. I've got a lot o' Ren Faire experience behind me, so I like the "make-believe" pirate look. (The Colorado Renaissance Festival is a fantasy faire.) 'Round here, the SCA is not nice to Rennies. They spend most of their time around us criticizing our costumes, which I don't find enjoyable, so I don' hang around them too much. When I first started the festival, I went wi' the full fantasy, but as I learned more about the Tudor era, I got more authentic and accurate. I have a feelin' that's what'll happen this time--as I learn more, I'll lean toward the more authentic costuming. But I'll still want the freedom to dress flamboyantly, and just have fun wi' me clothes! For me, the whole point is to live a fantasy.
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