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  • Location
    NJ USA
  • Interests
    antiques, cigars, history, re-enacting, animals, writing, painting, edged weapons, sabre fencing, younger men-- whoops-- well,ya asked my interests, dincha? BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE! reading, grave robbing, home surgeries, food, did I say cigars? That's CHEAP cigars. dead people.....that's quite enough for you....
  1. Ah, methinks ya have me sig confused with one other's. While I 'ave no qualms 'bout pixie dust an' th'like, me love (who once was Blackbeard's bosun says he) has a problem with pixies, fairies an' such....and brats that fly, and sal'water crocs, 'specially what tick....
  2. Well, I don't prime th' pan' til needed-- an' o' course I don't ram a charge in that case. But if ya REALLY wanna get a burn started, I suppose a blank charge would give enough of a muzzle blast to start tinder. Ain't tried that mesef, but I DO love fire-fights! (musket/pistol firin' at night....ah the romance of it all...) Jus' keep yer powder dry!!
  3. Nothin' like bein' th' new kid at th' back of the crowd....ya get in on things after everyone's lef' th' room! Regardin' my own experience with combustibles.... DO NOT EVER attempt th' ol' trail o'powder trick! (no, I never dun this personally, but I am fairly acquainted with 'real' black powder-- none of this namby-pamby new stuff....) Unless ya got kitty litter in yer mix, there's no such romantic slow burn so's ya kin pull a rescue and get outta the way before she blows. I'd recommend keepin' a lit 'match (slow match) handy, tho they need constant attention. When I used to drill wi' me matchlock, it was a tedious affair. Ev'ry 3rd command wuz 'blow on yer match'. O' course, if yer dull enough (as wuz I) to be standin' there with yer apostles danglin' an' full o' powder, 'blow on yer match' might be th' highlight o' yer day.... I smokes, ya see-- hard ta believe a delicate flower like meself--,an' frequently have a lamp or cook fire to light from. BUT when not possible, I have used my flintlock pistol, uncharged, to light a bit o' flame, an' then light from that. When I wuz wit Hessians I learned th' glamorous life of a Grenadier could off be a short one-- those grenades wuz not always reliable! Word o' warnin' to ya, if ya be handlin' powder at all-- be careful! Nothin's worse on a Monday mornin' than havin' to explain to folks why yer missin' an eyebrow....
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