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Everything posted by ArrRoger

  1. Three Orygun Privateers go marching on, Huzzah, Huzzah.
  2. Thar be word the Quartermaster been smokin' some "Good Stuff" sez Arr.
  3. AHOY sez Arr. Be there a pub keeper about? [Note to self: Why IS the rum all gone?]
  4. Understand the salvage laws before engaging any tow company. Hope the savvy in NC have told the owners to avoid SEATOW at all costs. Lyman Louis here in Portlandia submitted a bill for $230,000 to merely tow a safely secured vessel to HIS moorage a year ago after the Port of Portland Fire & Rescue assurred it's safety. Needless to say it is still awaiting trial. Sea Tow Salvage Demand 1/25/06 Obviously the ROYALISTE is not "soft grounded" and the damages will require good insurance. GAWD I hate to think about this happening to such a historical treasure. Though we have not met, we have met in another life. A bit o' swag be on her way via PayPal. :) God speed M8!
  5. Has all the possibilities a modern pyrate could ask for in a new career. Yarr
  6. AVAST! Least the slacker's not besmudgin' this Pyrate's good name anymore. Drinks all around, Yarr!
  7. ARRRR That Bilge Rat be tarnishing the good name of Pyracy, he is. Hope EBay scrubbs the barnacles off his belly right proper. Just so there be no confusion, yours truly wants to say there is no relationship between the good folks at http://www.PyratesR.US and that kind of pirate. We be good PYRATES -note spelling? Do I need to carve inta ye head? ArrRoger@PyratesR.US Hey, I lerned to spel at the Pyracy Pub Aye Stormfeather, Dwinks all awound
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