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About Shockaboo

  • Birthday 01/21/1963

Profile Information

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  • Location
    Denver, CO
  • Interests
    I live with my 2 cats, Houdini and Aliti. I am interested in cats, walking, reading, horse racing, and of course, pirates!
  1. My new article about John Julian has just been posted! You may read it at: http://www.cindyvallar.com/JohnJulian.html
  2. Hello! Apparently the Smithsonian Channel recently had a factual program on pirates. Did anyone see this and could you tell me if it was as factual as they claim it is? Thank you!
  3. Hello all! Due to the rules of the web site, I can't post the actual article here, but I did publish an article entitled "Peter Cornelius Hoof and Me" in April/may of 2013 in the "Pirates and Privateers" newsletter published by Cindy Vallar. I believe you can still view the article on the web site at: www.CindyVallar.com. If it has been replaced by the new issue, you can also see it on my blog at: PeterCorneliusHoof.blogspot.com. I promsied UndertheBlackFlag.com that they could re-print it on theri web site in 60 days, so you'll be able to catch it there later this year. For those who don't know, Peter sailed with Sam Bellamy on the Whydah Galley and was hanged in Boston of piracy in 1717. Enjoy!
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