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About lukabeast

  • Birthday 07/28/1970

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  • Location
    The sixth sea
  • Interests
    Lootin' and pillagin' (quite possibly in that order, and with a dash of ravagin')
  1. Here there be monsters!!! Issue 4 info for Dead Men Tell No Tales.... Diamond Order number: SEP05 2746 Blackbeard's wicked soul has found its just rewards in Hell, while Black Bart holds the treasures of Christ in hand! But an undead army has risen, intent on clutching the relics in rotting hands. Now Black Bart must act fast if he is to survive the undead AND the British Navy! Cover by Tim Seeley Issue 1 comes out this week. Stop back and let us know what you think. :)
  2. Well, with the release of issue 1 fast approaching, here's some issue three info. With the map in Black Bart's hands, the race is on between Blackbeard and Bart himself to find the Treasures of God first! Pursued by His Majesty's Navy, the two men must brave death and worse if they are to capture the ultimate prize. Diamond order number for Issue 3 is: Aug05 2701 Cover by Steven (Elektra, Deadshot) Cummings. "Dead Men gets better with every issue. Anybody looking for something different on the market should check it out." -Steve Niles
  3. So it's more booty ye be wantin'? Then take you fill you mangy sea dog! Issue two is now available in Previews. Order number is JUL05 2631 UPDATE: Here's a image of the issue 2 cover, with wonderful art by CSI artist Steven Perkins..HUZZAH!!! And for all you synopsis lovers out there: The pirate Blackbeard, haunted by the spirit of the man he murdered to gain the map to the Relics of Christ, begins his quest to find these priceless artifacts. Blackbeard's first mate, the traitorous Ichabod Klump, sets his heart on stealing the map and presenting it to his true Captain - Black Bart Roberts. :eek:
  4. Quotes, we don't neeeed no stinking quotes!!! OK, they weren't pirates, but bandits, it's somewhat close (please don't flog me). What People Are Saying About DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES... "It reads good. It looks good. I think you're in great shape." -STEVE NILES (Eisner nominated writer of 30 DAYS OF NIGHT: RETURN TO BARROW, FREAKS OF THE HEARTLAND, and ALEISTER ARCANE) "I think the book itself, written by newcomer Dwight MacPherson, is a very fresh take on pirate tales." -Steven Cummings (Penciler on DC's DEADSHOT, FLASH, BATMAN: LEGENDS OF THE DARK KNIGHT, and MARVEL's ELEKTRA) "I enjoyed it very much. I'd describe it as a high seas adventure of greed, murder and mystery which sets the stage for an unsettling ride through the mind of MacPherson." -Chris Valentino (EXEC. PRODUCER/PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT FANGORIATV) "Stunning art propels DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES, with Mike Fiorentino handling the "present tense" story (taking place in 1719) and Fernando Acosta sailing through Kibble's flashbacks of life with Captain Kidd." -SHAUN MANNING (of SILVERBULLETCOMICBOOKS) "A chilling first effort from the highly creative Dwight MacPherson." -MIKE BARON (Writer of NEXUS and THE NIGHT CLUB) "...this is a fine, fine start to a series that has loads of potential for success in the horror genre." -MARC MASON (of MOVIE POOP SHOOT's "SHOULD IT BE A MOVIE?") "I thoroughly enjoyed it." -KELVIN GREEN (of SILVERBULLETCOMICBOOKS) "I really like the overall concept of what MacPherson is doing here. The idea of Captain Kidd and Blackbeard fighting over an arcane piece of treasure is full of possibilities for some great adventure as well as horror." -MICHAEL MAY (COMIC WORLD NEWS) "A well put-together book." -JIM MEIRS (of SILVERBULLETCOMICBOOKS) "With no shortage of menace and atmosphere, writer Dwight MacPherson crafts a tale of legendary pirates in search of a treasure that endangers their very souls." -LES WEILER (SEVERE MAGAZINE) "[DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES #1] is the start of an interesting story. I'm curious to see what happens next." -MICHAEL DEELEY (of SILVERBULLETCOMICBOOKS)
  5. Thar be an interview with the good Cap'n D.L. MacPherson over at http://www.newsarama.com/forums/showthread...2820#post932820 Read it, or die a dog's death ye mangy scallywags!
  6. You'd be surprised how many comics, and publisher's for that matter, live and die by pre-order numbers. Unless you're Marvel or DC, getting these numbers up is very difficult, and an extreme must. I consider Image and Dark Horse and 50/50, between the two bigs and everyone else. Since a lot of retailers can't afford to take chances on the smaller press titles, you can't always expect them to be there on the shelves at your local comic shop. So going to them and saying "I want THIS" is really the best way to ensure getting what your looking for, and doing your part in keeping the smaller press titles that you enjoy afloat. Argg, that be a rant or what. Now, back to your locally scheduled piratey goodness.
  7. Once the comic book run/arc/whatever is over, will all the issues be collected together in graphic novel format? "Aye! All four issues will be smartly bound into a trade paperback that'll feature the 88 pages of story, a 6 page DEADMEN prequel, pinups, and many, many more treasures."
  8. Aaar! 'Tis true, ye scurvy rat! Check out yon banner below fer orderin' information! It be in June Previews, Page 232! Order #: JUN05 2763 If yer havin' any questions, please send yer mail here: deadmanschest@deadlightstudios.com Thank ye fer lookin' :)
  9. Greetings one and all. Coming this summer from Arcana Studios is our new mini series Dead Men Tell No Tales. A supernatural pirate tale to entertain even the scurviest sea dog. Here is a link to our mini-site at Arcana Studios. Thanks very much for looking and we hope to see you this summer. http://www.arcanastudio.com/deadmen/index.html
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