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    Maryland, USA
  • Interests
    I'm a quilt artist who recently discovered piracy while vending at the Virginia Renaissance Faire. I will be vending at several other pirate weekends (MD ren festival) and hopefully a pirate festival, and its got me very excited. My work is fantasy (dragons, mermaids and such) and as a rank noob, I'm interested in the fantasy pirate experience. :) Real name: Karen Marion.

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  1. Bumping this for 2013. Saturday 10 am - 8 pm, Sunday 10 am - 4 pm, rain or shine. See http://www.rockhallpirates.com/ for details. :)
  2. This is awesome! On the Dremel discussion, I use a Black & Decker that DOES have a cord. I LOVE it. I also have a cordless Dremel for travel (I use it to trim my dog's nails, among other things), but for at-home use the Black & Decker can't be beat. Much more powerful, more variable speeds, and never runs out of juice.
  3. Thanks everyone! I think what I'll have to do is take my inserts on a shopping spree and try things on. I've found some boots in my price range that I like for a fantasy pirate. They'd also crossover well for Steampunk, and if I stretch my imagination a bit, even ren faire. I'm hoping to find a pair locally to try on. Unfortunately, they're artificial leather, but perhaps that's why they're inexpensive. I don't need sturdy boots just yet, as my pirate outings are not yet a common thing. Then, once I know what works for me, and more about what kind of garb I like, I can consider saving up for something sturdier, and perhaps more authentic.
  4. My achilles heel (tee hee) for any garb is my footwear. Why? Because I have plantar fasciitis. The wrong footwear will have me limping for weeks (if not months). I do NOT have flat feet, which many of us are assumed to have, so fitting is a puzzle. I wear inserts in some shoes, and believe it or not, Crocs makes a hideous but comfortable, well, croc, that I can wear without inserts. So where does that leave me with garb? I don't yet know. And I'm a lowly artist, without a fortune to spend. So, do any of you have ideas on how I can approach this aspect of my garb, either with specific brand recommendations, or for shoes/boots that I can remove the insert and put in my own, or mundane shoes that can be adapted? Although I am a woman, I will not be playing a wench ... so boots and pirate footwear suggestions are wanted, not dainties. Thanks. :)
  5. Thanks, lads! Perhaps next year I can make it to Blackbeard's Fest ... it sounds like fun!!! :)
  6. I'm an artist, am completely new to piracy, and am very excited by it. I've been playing fantasy roleplaying games for decades, in recent years have played in the Adrian Empire and the SCA, and this year have started vending my artwork at renaissance festivals, so I'm somewhat familiar with medieval/renaissance stuff. My pirate interest was really piqued a couple of week's ago when the Virginia Renaissance Faire had a pirate's weekend. I managed to get a pair of appropriate linen pants, a scarf, some beads and a few other things, and looked ok. But oh, my ... some of the guys out there were truly rockin' it!!! I spent the whole weekend grinning like an idiot ... so much FUN!!! So, here I am. I'm applying to vend at a pirate's festival, and am a guest vendor on pirate's weekend at the Maryland renaissance festival, so I need garb, and lots of it. I've just ordered a wool felt hat blank to make a tricorn, and need to figure out a new shirt and other garby things. I've already been perusing some of the garb discussions here and am happy to learn more and more as I go along. I look forward to learning, laughing, and raising a cup o' rum with you all!
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