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Jay Tucci

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Posts posted by Jay Tucci

  1. Seems te me thar be coin te be earned, and if it be enough me an tha' crew would be innerested. I'll be needin a bit more details before I go trollipin off with some rag tag ruffian crew and thar Harlot of a captain tho. What be the cut and who exactly be the target "fellow"? How much of me own blood and sweat am I be puttin in compared te yer own, and why are ye comin te me fer help instead of one o' tha many others that sail this ere ocean? Layin it straight, I don't trust ye, aint no one does, so lets make tha' clear lass. So, lay on them informations so I can make meself a proper decision.

  2. Ahoy lads n' lasses! Got meself a mighty fine Concertina and I be wishin te learn a few shanties...specifically that Disney classis Yo ho yo ho a pirates life fer me. Anyone got some links or tips or anything helpful fer learnin such a fine little musical piece? Any help be much appreciated!

    Jay Tucci

  3. Aye there be the Salem Pirate Festival each year, not too shabby, but a bit shabby if ye get me likins. The tall ships in portsmouth NH be a pirate site te see as well. Got a few local groups in this area ye can talk to or join. I knows in Maine there be the Dark Rose, Nashua has the black powder shooting Black Rose 2 Pirates. The Pillage Idiots are out of northern Mass, fun group o' guys. I'm from southern Maine/Northern NH and enjoy meself a good pirating. Got me own Blue and Gold Macaw and a real wooden peg leg too! Ever lookin fer pirate events let me know!

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