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Mitchell O'Sionnach

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Posts posted by Mitchell O'Sionnach

  1. I often actually camp out with mine, and during the winter with out an isomat ye will freeze to death even in a subzero sleeping bag... I found a wool blanket is the perfect isolation material.. ye will be snug as a bug in a wool hammock..

  2. Ahoy Mates, I thought I'd try me hand at relating the events of this past weekend to ye!

    Twas the morn' of the fourth of May, 1713th year of our Lord.

    I had just arrived at the Hammocks Beach State Park with Quarter Master Chenault and a newly pressed man, Master Cruz in tow. After we had lugged our sea chests, sea bags and me good mate Billy Bones from the HMS blue SUV, we were greeted by Mantise Seville, and Captain Suttle of the Shadow Players. All of the sudden I here a wonderful guitar pipe up and the Tiger Jim strides up and after exchanging a firm handshake, I introduce me mates, and we settle in for a while. I also had the pleasure of introducing meself to Mister Cascabel, and his handsome lady friend. Next to grace me eyes was a very beautiful lass, who calls herself Sophia, the sword dancer. After singing a song or two with Jim, I set out fer Bare Island(Sadly not named for any courtesy by any inhabitants of the fairer sex..)

    Me mates and I, with the help of two of the Shadow Players, lugged our burden to the foot of the dock, and after I exchanged a few words with the Captain of the skiff to settle our arrangements, some young lads came about, wearing the most strange uniforms. When I asked who in the Hell they be, they said they be the "Boy Scouts" and that their Allegiance be to a country they called America. The Quartermaster and I quickly deduced that they must be afflicted by some ailment of the mind.. We presently told them that they spoke nonsense and they challenged our claims and continued to argue with us all the way to the the island..

    Upon Arrival I sent the Quartermaster and Master Cruz ahead to survey the island whilst I set up camp at an abandoned hut, with the help of a Captain Rob, who greeted us as the Master of the Island. After I had unpacked me chests and we made a show of our treasures, I told the Captain that I heard tell of some treasure on the island.. The Captain told me that he had heard similar rumors and searched high and low but found but nigh.. Once camp was set up we sat down to finish our gam, and then in the distance I sighted me mates walking back from their venture, and the Quartermaster had a small parcel in his hand...

    -To be continued-

    Yer humble Servant,


  3. Ahoy Mates!

    I went to the planning meeting, and The festival will run form 10 to 5 Saturday, May 4th.

    I approached the Coordinator about the Idea of and encampment on the Island and She was thrilled! However, she has to run it by the Park Manager, and If he is alright with it, the Plan is thus:

    Set up will be Friday, Preferably before nightfall.

    Saturday, the festival will be from 10-5 and afterwords folks have the option of packing up that night or they can stay and leave Sunday morning.

  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksi3UgNbhRY This is to all of ye on the pub. Please,

    Kind friends and companions, come join me in rhyme

    Come lift up your voices in chorus with mine

    Come lift up your voices, all grief to refrain

    For we may or might never all meet here again

    So here's a health to the company and one to my lass

    Let's drink and be merry all out of one glass

    Let's drink and be merry, all grief to refrain

    For we may or might never all meet here again

    Here's a health to the wee lass that I love so well

    For style and for beauty there's none can exce

    l There's a smile on her countenance as she sits upon my knee

    There is no man in this wide world as happy as me

    So here's a health to the company and one to my lass

    Let's drink and be merry all out of one glass

    Let's drink and be merry, all grief to refrain

    For we may or might never all meet here again

    Our ship lies at anchor, she is ready to dock

    I wish her safe landing without any shock

    And if ever I should meet you by land or by sea

    I will always remember your kindness to me

    So here's a health to the company and one to my lass

    Let's drink and be merry all out of one glass

    Let's drink and be merry, all grief to refrain

    For we may or might never all meet here again

  5. Dear Sirs, Jim and John,

    I look forward to yer visit, Are there any accommodation I could bring up at the meeting to help yer time be enjoyable?

    As for the Living History Camp, That is something I would love to do, and I thing that doing on on an island would be very cool. I will be sure to bring it up at the aforementioned planning meeting.

    The only challenges there:

    =>One the camp grounds are usually for rental.

    =>2ndly, there is only one ferry to and from the island, and they're pretty small, so we can't bring anything too big.

    =>Third, No fire. we can cook on coals in those weird campground standard grills though.

    =>Fourthly, and Lastly, the festival committee has NOTHING in the way of tents/waterproof canvas.. (I do personally have me period hammock, and hope to have constructed at least a tarp by then.)Would ye be bringing yer own gear?

    I think if we can find solutions to these problems, the State Park People would love to have us set up on the island, there is a small little museum right next to the park office, which contains some artifacts, even a cannon ball, plus a display talking about Cap'n Teach, who is rumored to have used the island as a base for a while. So I think they are pretty into publicity and educating the general public about history.

    If ye have any advice/suggestions/ideas please don't hesitate to let me know.

    Yers, yer humble servant, Mitchell.

  6. Dear Fine Sirs and Ladies,

    As of right Now, All I have is a Date, May 4th.

    You can Contact Ms. Carol Trott, either

    By phone @: #910-347-5332 (You will have to ask for her)

    By email @: Carol_Trott@onslowcountync.gov

    I will be attending the Planning Meeting on February 13th , and I can give you more information then. No official Website as of yet.. They kinda popped this out of the blue. But, I can give you the website for the location which can give ye some information in terms of resources to work with. There is a Hotel up the road from the event location... My email is Right_hand_of_fate@yahoo.com. If you give me names if you would like to attend, or even would like to possibly attend I can see what can be worked out as far as lodgings go. I'm hoping the hotel will donate rooms, or at least run a deal..

    Here Is the location's website : http://www.ncparks.gov/Visit/parks/habe/main.php

    And an article that might provide a historical basis at which to make a story: http://www.backpacker.com/july_2000_destinations_north_carolina_bear_island/destinations/1044

    See Also: http://swansborohistory.blogspot.com/2008/10/otway-burns-shipbuilder-and-privateer.html

    P.s Sorry for the Vaugetivity (Is that even a word..) This is my first time dealing with organizing this and they are not good at grasping the concept of planning in advance.

    Also if it makes any difference to ye, The Shadow Players (http://www.shadowcombat.com) Will be in attendance, and we are waiting on confirmation from a the Motley Tones(http://www.motleytones.com/)

    Your Humble Servant, Mitchell

  7. This is a fairly new event, it will be in Swansboro, NC. They're trying to expand it this year and have asked me to find them some scurvy dogs to populate it. It will be held at hammocks beach state park, and on Bear Island. Please let me know if you are interested ASAP.

  8. Sorry it took so long to post this, but I be a busy Pirate, I be.. I got this beauty in the mail the other day and I absolutely adore her. She fits right at home in me kit and looks quite stunning. I have to say I am very very impressed! Thank ye whomever ye may be!


  9. The blighter sent it to me a two weeks to the day i posted that comment, It's fine handiwork to be sure, but no note of apology, no acknowledgment of the delay, plus the buttons are not nut but in fact plastic.. All the same he sent it.. Anyone else get their goods?


    Aye, that be truer than the ropes end, that be. I ordered from them August 31st, Called and placed it, the blighter said he be on schedual. But alas, he lied! When me order didn't come in, I tried to call the scurvy scum, but No replies, naught nuthin. Got an email back asking for more time he said it would ship last week never came. Very Disapointed, then to top it off, the BBB says they have good reason to think they are out of buisness..

  11. As the economy's cold fingers slowly choke me purse, I have found rather quickly that the more I make of me kit the better. However, shoes be me problem... I have not the foggiest of ideas how to cobble, and less of an idea of where Ye might get ahold of a pattern for some period buckle shoes. I was intending to call Williamsburg's cobbler tomorrow but I thought I'd open the floor up to you lot first.

  12. Thank ye all, kind sirs. And Matty, though it not be pertinent, It was interesting, thank ye fer sharin'. I'll have to let ye all know what I decide on. I'm leaning toward Samuel, However I shall have to ponder the surname. Or I suppose my persona may have never known his surname, and never saw a need for one. Haha.

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