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    Pittsburgh, PA
  • Interests
    Rum, whiskey, beer, ale, grog, wenches, swordplay, and skullduggery. I hail from th' fabulous port city o' Pittsburgh an' I front a pirate rock band called The Bloody Seamen. We'll split yer skull with sheer high-seas rock n' roll powarrr!!
  1. Ahoy thar, mates! I be Cap'n Blackguts outta th' fabulous port city o' Pittsburgh, PA. I just join't yer ranks an wanted t' introduce meself. I front a hard rockin' an' hard drinkin' Pirate-Rock band called "The Bloody Seamen". If 'ee wish t' check us out, ye can go to www.thebloodyseamen.com or t' our facebook at http://www.facebook....thebloodyseamen. So wot kinda things should I be checkin' out in this 'ere forum, eh Shipmates? Who's got some fruitful bearin's fer me?
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