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La Buse

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Everything posted by La Buse

  1. Extract : " par deux vaisseaux forbans commandés, à savoir , la Défiance commandée par Jérémie Coquelin anglais de 40 canons et 250 hommes d'équipage ,français ,anglais,et hollandais , et l'autre Vaisseau la Royale Rangère armée de même " It is clear that the French captain who filed this statement of talk with "La Buse" to have all these details!
  2. Information : official archive September 25, 1719 to the Guinea coast near Cape Lopez looting of a French ship from pirates two pirates vessels: "The Defiance" commissioned by Jeremiah Coquelin (Cocklyn) English, 40 cannons and 250 crew the other ship "Royal Rangère" army of crew and even artillery and commanded by Captain Olivier Le Vasseur de Calais said pirates took and razed the forts of Gambia and Sierra Leone
  3. Salut the body was not washed by the tide but only let them rot on the sand for 24 hours. the cryptogram Le Vasseur has been decoded! see: www.tresordelabuse.fr
  4. sea haugh have you read the page 1 of this topic ?
  5. Salut ! I have not found what he was doing before. Besides, this is Colin Woodard in "The Republic of Pirates" who does appear. I do not know what historical sources! In France, some say "he was born on 11/02/1672 in Calais, son of a family of small bourgeaois he entered the naval school and became an officer. It will longtimes a brave seaman and servile Royal until one day no one knows how it can be found in piracy and there was no trace of this mutation. " others say he was educated in Bordeaux! But no sources to prove it. But perhaps a track: In this story where we find the first time his name he is called "Louis de Boure" " Deposition of Abijah Savage, Commander of the sloop Bonetta of Antigua. Antigua, 30th Nov., 1716. On 9th Nov. between St. Thomas and St. Cruix he was overhauled and plundered by two pirate sloops, who also took a French ship and six sail of small vessels, keeping the French ship etc. One, called the Mary Anne, was commanded by Samuel Bellamy who declared himself to be an Englishman born in London, and the other, the Postillion, by Louis de Boure a Frenchman, who had his sloop chiefly navigated with men of that Nation. Each sloop was mounted with 8 guns, and had betwixt 80 or 90 men. The Mary Anne was chiefly navigated with Englishmen. Deponent was detained at St. Cruix. The pirates only wanted provisions and a ship to make a voyage. Gives names of some of the pirates etc. Signed, Habbjah Savage." This seems very precise, but no trace in the library of France! I searched why he took that name and I found a French town in Acadia "Louisbourg" or Louisburg in English. Maybe there is increased or stayed in from France! "Louisbourg is an ancient town of Isle Royale. Founded in 1713, the city is then chosen by the French Government in order to build a great fortress responsible for defending Canada's entry in the St. Lawrence River." I continue to search...
  6. 411. i. Copy of deposition of Joseph Eels of Port Royall, Carpenter, Dec. 20, 1716. Deponent last March sett sail on board the Mary sloop, Capt. Leigh Ashworth commander, and soon after arrived at blewfields, where they found Capt. Jennings, Capt. Carnigee and Capt. Liddal, and from thence sail'd in company with them designing for the wrecks. About six leagues from Baya Honda they spyed a sloop with two periaguas putting from her, and found her to be Capt. Young's, who told Capt. Ashworth they were two maroon periaguas, and had obliged him to tow them over from the bay of Honduras, etc. Describes boarding and capture of a French ship in the Bay of Hondo, by abovenamed. A periagua commanded by a Spaniard informed them that there was in Porto Mariel a French ship a trading, whereupon Carnigee went to seek her, but next morning the periagua which had followed him reported that Hornigold had taken the French ship, whereupon Jennings and Ashworth weighed anchor to go after them, but not being able to overtake them stood in again to the Bay, and came to an anchor, the ship being in the offing, one of the periaguas being on board ship and several of her men halled her alongside and threw the money being about 28,500 odd peices of eight into the periagua and immediately went away with it. Soon afterwards the ship came in again and acquainted Jennings and Ashworth the money was gone, and then by order of Jennings one of the periaguas was cut to peices and Young's sloop burnt. Next morning Carnigie halled aboard the ship and hoisted out of his sloope into the ship all his guns ammunition provitions and stores, and going on board with his men took the command of her without controul. Jennings, Ashworth and Carnigie weighing anchor in order to go to Providence, and coming out of the harbour Carnigee gave the Frenchmen that were left on board the ship his sloop, and then all three sail'd for Providence where arriving they shared the goods in three parts one for the owner of the three sloops, and the other two for the men. The owner's share of the goods were put on board the sloop Dolphin, and then wrote to Mr. Daniel Axtell and to his brother Jasper Ashworth. Deponent saw part of the letter, importing they had taken a ship, and that the sloop was coming with the goods taken out of the ship. Deponent, with James Spatcher, Commander of the Dolphin, delivered the above letters to Daniel Axtell, who ordered the sloop to go from Cowboy to Pigeon Island, and thence to Manatee Bay, whence deponent and others brought dry goods in a canoe from the Dolphin to Port Royal, Mr. Axtell receiving them himself into his storehouse at night. After which the sloop being seized by Fernando in Manatee Bay was sent into Port Royal Harbour, etc., etc. Signed, Joseph Eels. Endorsed as preceding. 1½ pp. [C.O. 137, 12. Nos. 41, 41 i.; and (without enclosures) 138, 15. pp. 204–212.] ???????
  7. Reflection : Before the attack , England was the Commodore , after , Taylor begin Commodore and then give the victory to La Buse and Seagar begin Cassandra's capitain renamed the Fancy. And then they go to attack the Cabo ! ??
  8. Battle of Anjouan Anjouan is the fight a naval battle fought July 25, 1720, near the island of Anjouan, Comoros, between a pirate ship and a ship of the British East India Company. Fancy and the Victory, two pirate ships commanded by Irishman Edward England, surprise near the island Johanna (Anjouan), two Dutch merchant ships and a British ship, Cassandra. The Dutch fled, pursued by the Victory, commanded by John Taylor, second in England, while the latter aboard the Fancy is about to face the Cassandra, who seems determined to defend himself. The fight is fierce and the British, galvanized by their captain James Macrae, fight like lions, inflicting terrible losses to pirates. Both boats run aground, but the fight does not stop either. The pirates eventually won out, however, losing 90 of them and killing 77 sailors of Cassandra which they seize, making this opportunity hands on a booty of 75,000 pounds. Macrae and surviving sailors, for their part, jumped out and fled to the island. The Fancy is in a sorry state and its crew is stunned by the terrible struggle he had to support. Taylor back with the Victory is appalled by the spectacle. When a few days later, Macrae and his men, hungry, returning imploring mercy of pirates, the latter encouraged by Taylor, want revenge and threaten to hang them. But England is a former naval officer and is reluctant to commit atrocities. It shows so magnanimous and allows its enemies to board the Fancy and go free.* The Governor of Bombay offshore returns Macrae, accompanying a fleet laden with England and his men capture. When he realizes that this is Macrae is on their trail, John Taylor, approved by most of his men, laid England because of the consequences of his magnanimity, fatal to them.. Taylor took command of Cassandra and says that of the Victory in the Olivier Levasseur said La Buse, a French pirate who joined him some time later and whose exploits soon headlines in the Indian Ocean ports. As for Macrae and his men, after many adventures, they reach the Indian coast on board a ship which is a wreck. Highly commended for his heroic resistance, Macrae subsequently became Governor of Madras from 1725 to 1730. Albert Lougnon, "Sous le signe de la tortue. Voyages anciens à l'île Bourbon (1611-1725)", Azalées Éditions, 1992 * Is it possible ? it was on the attack of the Cabo ! perhaps the pirates changed the name of the boats , before or after the fight to avoid being sought. And then The Cassandra was renamed the fancy !! ?? Edward England and his flag .
  9. Foxe thank you for your clarification. I read the whole topic and I translate because the timeline becomes confused with the addition of your annotations. I try to understand any sort especially with a translation of google approximatve. The ship "La fantaisie" is "the fancy" of Seagar "Le Victorieux" is "the victory" of LaBuse. LaBuse and the Count of Ericeira understand since they both speak French. So LaBuse is the captain of "Le Victorieux" You say : "Richard Moor is fairly specific about these events, and says that at the time of the capture of the Cabo the pirate ships were ‘under the command of the sd Taylor and Seagar" . What is "sd" ? "After the capture, the pirates took their prize to St. Mary’s island, ‘and there the sd Seager dyed and ye aforesaid le Boos was made Captain of the Cassandra in his room’" So there are the victorious, the fancy, the Nossa Senhora do Cabo and Cassandra in St Mary Island ? Daniel's sources , are they good ? If you could redo the timeline by adding detailed annotations, that would be great. I come back when I have understood everything. La Buse
  10. Hi I read your topic and I can provide some clarification on Olivier Le Vasseur "La Buse" or "La Bouche". Excuse me for my English, I use a robot translator, I am French! Firstly, are you sure of your sources, Are They historical or are they fictionalized? On board the Nossa Senhora do Cabo (La vierge du Cap ), there was His Excellency the Count of Ericeira, Portugal's great, late Viceroy and Captain General of East India for his Portuguese majesty, Starting from "Goa" capital of all states that have Portuguese in East India January 25, 1721. At the Isle of Bourbon (Reunion) April 6 in the harbor of Saint Denis to make repairs. In his narrative he says that the April 26, 1721, he was attacked by "the victorious" controlled by "La Bousse" (La Bouche) and by "La Fantaisie" controlled by "Siger" (Seagar). He also talks about "Taylor" who is quartermaster of pirates. He also said that there were no diamonds hidden in the ship. Count left for France on November 15 on the ship "Triton" French Company of the Indies ordered. Count speaks French perfectly and these facts recounted in the french newspaper "Mercury" in 1722. http://img4.hostingp...mercure1722.jpg or Historical source : Page 54 http://books.google....epage&q&f=false Around 1729, La Buse practiced the profession of pilot in the bay of Antongil (Eastern side of Madagascar), it offered services to the ship "la Méduse" of the East India Company, who wanted to enter the harbor. When approached "la Méduse", La Buse imagined forgotten, stowed ships, de facto amnesty. It is not the case. The new Governor Dumas was turning a page of history by putting to death the last great living figure of piracy. It succeeds. Captain D' Hermitte, commander of "la Méduse", saw the pirate La Buse, and remembering that the attacker had repeatedly boarded ships of his company, he captured under the orders of the new Governor of the Isle of Bourbon. On July 7, 1730, Olivier Levasseur finally knows his fate. La Buse était condamné à mort à 17h. Voici un extrait du jugement :"Voeu par le Conseil le procès criminel extraordinairement fait et instruit à la requête et diligence du Procureur du Roy, demandeur et accusateur, contre Olivier Levasseur surnommé La Buse, accusé du crime de piraterie […]. Le Conseil l’a condamné et condamne à faire amande honorable devant la principale porte de l’église de cette paroisse, nu en chemise, la corde au col et tenant en sa main une torche ardente du poids de deux livres, pour là, dire et déclarer à haute et intelligible voix que méchamment et témérairement il a fait pendant plusieurs années le métier de forban, dont il se repent et demande pardon à Dieu, au Roy. […] Exécuté à cinq heures du soir le sept juillet mil sept cent trente." Signé Chassin, Dumas , Villarmoy, G. Dumas, de Lanux. La Buse was sentenced to death at 17h. Here is an excerpt of the judgment: "Vow by the Council on criminal trial is extraordinarily educated and at the request of the Prosecutor and diligence of the King, plaintiff and accuser, against Olivier Levasseur nicknamed La Buse, charged with the crime of piracy [...]. Council He was sentenced and ordered to make honorable amends before the main door of the church of this parish, naked in his shirt, a rope about their necks and holding in his hand a flaming torch weighing two pounds, for there, and declare in a loud voice that he recklessly and maliciously done for many years the trade of pirate, he repents and asks God's forgiveness, the king. [...] Executed at five pm on July 7, one thousand seven hundred and thirty. "Signed Chassin, Dumas, Villarmoy, G. Dumas, Lanux. The Legend: When he mounted the scaffold to expiate his crimes pirate Olivier Levasseur," La Buse" , the crowd launched into a cryptogram and exclaimed: "My treasures to who will understand!" The cryptogram : http://ybphoto.free....optogramme1.jpg The legend in video See later !
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