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Red John

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    History, Rum, Weaponry, GAOP, Rev War/F&I thrown in for good measure.
  1. Ahoy Mates, if one were to travel to the UK for whatever reason, and found one's self with some time to explore, what do ye recommend as must-sees / must dos pirate-wise in the UK? Starting in London and able to go most places in England proper as well as Scotland or Wales, but of course with only a few days to do it all in. Anyone with information on visiting the Execution Dock area of London much appreciated, as well as any other piratical places anywhere abouts - Bristol? The Jamaica Inn, Cornwall? Mousehole? Landsend? John O' Groats? Greatly appreciate any information ye can share. Many Thanks, aye!
  2. Interesting flag - Well past the GAoP (well, defining GAoP is another subject, but at 1790 I don't think there's much argument it's a late-period flag, post GAoP) but still a nice flag and one of the few almost-GAoP flags other than the one Pat Croce has, and a nice contrast to the black and white ones we almost always see. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2074868/Rare-red-Jolly-Roger-pirate-flag-captured-battle-north-Africa-230-years-ago-goes-display-time.html The article repeats certain inaccuracies we often hear, but it does show the flag and gives a couple notes on where it came from. Aye, John
  3. Ahoay Crew of the Mercury! I saw this on ebay that might interest ye . . . I make no affirmations of any kind, just saw it had yer vessel's name and thought ye might find it worth taking a look-see, aye . . . http://www.ebay.com/itm/Antique-Style-Folk-Art-Sail-Ship-Faux-Whale-Tooth-Scrimshaw-2-Side-Decoration-/381357915334?hash=item58cab3fcc6
  4. Aye, Rob Roy . . .LAND PIRATES! Aye!
  5. Aye, a hearty "Aye!" on all the good recommendations above, but would also add that if yer lucky, "El Galleon" might be in port and you can see a full size real Spanish galleon. http://staugustine-450.com/galeon/ And the Spanish Taverna of course! There's an English one as well just down the street, and the Colonial Quarter right by the Pirate Museum (these good folks run both the Spanish tavern and the English pub, in a real historical manner too). The food at both is great! And you want to check out the Colonial Quarter too. http://colonialquarter.com/ Around the corner from them, near St Augustine Textiles, is the Prince of Wales pub, a real British pub (run by real Brits), there on Cuna Street (turn right if you are walking away from the fort and the Colonial Quarter, turn left if you are walking up George Street towards the fort. Or if you're at John's place (St A's Textiles), well it's right across the sand parking lot! And I'd think about staying on the beach over on Anastasia Island and that way you'd have the best of both worlds - relaxing beach and historical old town too. Beachers Lodge is a good place pretty economical beach front but a little bit of a drive to town (its closer to Matanzas) and there's places closer to town up in St Augustine Beach proper like La Fiesta (good place, economical for the neighborhood, and the trolley will take you to town and back) and so on. And you've got to try the Minorcan Clam Chowder at Osteen's over on the Island, just a block or two on the right after you go across the Bridge of Lions. Made with real Minorcan datil peppers - awesome. Same for the rest of the menu - real simple family kind of place but incredibly good food at a good price. And they are cool with pirates showing up unannounced! Have a great trip and who knows, might see ye there!
  6. Umm, very good point about "Turn" and I'm not sure why they do that with the accents, although I have enjoyed the show very much otherwise. But as a general truth at least we do know that all Vikings speak with Scottish accents. That we know thanks to the "How to Train your Dragon" movies, that is except the lead character and a few of his teenage friends (another quality series that we love, odd accents noted). And, as everyone knows, of course all pirates have Scottish accents, except for that one guy that speaks with a drunk accent . . .
  7. Jamaica, which also became the Columbus' family private island as granted by the Crown of Spain, in part reward for his services in exploring and early settlement of what became the Spanish Empire in the New World. Thus it was an area outside the law of any established government from nearly its very beginning . . . although the Spanish eventually asserted some minor control, not thinking the place very valuable compared to the rest of the Spanish Main and West Indies . . . that is, until the English took it by force, and defended it for many years with private men and ships, privateers as it were, better known as "Buccaneers" . . . Granted, these two are secondary sources, but highly recommend the very enjoyable read "Empire of Blue Water" about Morgan and his Buccaneers, and "Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean" about the Island of Jamaica in particular and its fascinating history - and in large part the history of the region - from the earliest Spanish times until the end of the GAoP.
  8. We could storm the Fort de Chartres Rendezvous coming up June 6 and 7, aye saavy?!? . . . they are 18th Century French Marine and similar folks there . . . and maybe rum and plunder too! I hope to be there in me 18th Century Spanish gear . . . but I'd rather be a Pyrate! Aye!
  9. That's what was great about the old days, the way they always kept things simple, straight, and to-the-point . . . especially book titles and such . . .
  10. We'll be seeing ye there Mate!
  11. Wow . . . finally saw the first episode last night . . . glad the boys were in already in bed, just saying! Thanks to this forum for the warning on that account. I have to figure the gratuitous sex scenes would add up to the normal amount of time for commercials in a regular tv broadcast? . . . seriously, you could cut those out completely and arguably have a better show - or at least one where the story could be more noticeable than the distractions! But aye, the story we found interesting and the characters as well, their interactions and all that good, good action scenes, intriguing plot, all good. The mullet hair, mutton chops, goatees, and crumpled cowboy hats almost as distracting as that "other stuff", but on the whole, a good watch and good story . . . if only I could edit up a PG version so we wouldn't have to hide the discs!
  12. Aye Mate, thank ye for yer review. I'm in the same boat - er, situation - having never seen anything but a trailer or two in passing. I don't expect a lot on the historical accuracy side from most productions, so no issues there - I keep true to historically accurate portrayals for me own adventures, but I don't let that get in the way of a good story told by someone else! Thanks again, Aye-
  13. I thought it meant "rum" ...
  14. I'm not a true expert, but other than the price, and maybe the buttons (size - maybe a little large - and number - maybe too few), I don't see much wrong with it. Those don't have to be show-stoppers depending on your event/group/preference and available funds, of course. But I haven't seen one of these in person. Fabric choice would be important of course, but the basic cut looks ok to me. I have seen their other civilian frocks in person (Rev War era ones) and they look to be fine enough except for those huge paisley metal buttons they put on them - used to put on them anyway, not sure if they still do. yours, aye, John
  15. Aye Brother, 'simple common style' is exactly what we need more of! Way too many of us go around like grand captains or what have you, when the truth is most everyone, except maybe after a lucky prize or maybe celebrating in port somewhere, would be very very plainly attired. Just like us today don't 'dress up' for hard manual work - or to go to WalMart - they didn't back then either. And unless you were in a friendly port, you wouldn't dress up then either unless you wanted to alert authorities that you somehow had access to things way beyond a normal seaman's ability. Now granted, it is fun to dress up a bit, especially for a party or ball, but for day-to-day, how-it-really-was, simple and plain is much appreciated! Thank ye for yer work to 'keep it real', aye! yr mst hum and obt svt-
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