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Cap'n of tha Rubber Gypsy

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Raleigh, NC
  • Interests
    Music, Writing songs about pirates, traditional fun covers, rum, islands, palm trees, boats, etc....
  1. Could ye believe this is me first postin' ? Gots me plenty o other reasons for being here an talkin that... But for the time being,would someone be so kind as to please point me in the die-rection of an authority of pyrate flags...? I can find no such reference for one Jean-David Neu. AKA.... L'Olonnais or L'Olonois....... BestBKind, RG
  2. Ahoy thar pyrate world! My name is Andy and I play w/ a group that writes pirate rock songs. Sometimes we write about historical figures and sometimes it's just and idea..none the less we like to keep it to pirates, rum, palm trees, islands etc... I've seen a lot of pirate type festivals but, not all of them seem like a good place for a rock group....don't get me wrong, we've got an awesome acoustic set as well but, we like to rock it sometimes too! You can jump around in our jukebox and play all the 'pirate like titles'. We're working on a some newer pirate songs and an entire album in the pirate niche. So, it may not be as pirate like as you'd think at first - there will be some major upgradin' soon. So have a good listen and if you think we would just 'fit in' somewhere, please let us know. http://rubbergypsy.com much obliged, A
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