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Jolly O'Grog Rogers

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About Jolly O'Grog Rogers

  • Birthday 04/20/1983

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  • Interests
    Yar, I be partial to dee grog, and dee pillaging of villages. Arg.<br><br>I may not be de best sailor on this voyage, but de capitan loves me because I make de best grog and keep me mateys from a mutiney! ARG!
  1. I'm interested in finding a boat that will be sailing this summer for an extended period of time (May-August). I am new to sailing and hope to learn this summer. I am a very fast learner, physically fit, a hard worker, and not too bad of company either! If at all possible it would be nice to be able to work to cover my costs (e.g. food while out at sea)... I am not concerned with making a profit, other than learning to sail. I cannot afford to pay to be aboard. Please, if anyone has anything or suggestions on where to find something... let me know!
  2. Why not just use the rum, and not mix it with water to make grog (grog is rum cut/mixed with water) Aye grog tis mixed rum... but I be true to me nature and treat me lifesake with respect. Grog still be workin' just not as fast as dee rum... Dat be why ye fires catch faster dan mine... arrrrg. Tis a sad day when grog isn't dee best solution to all me problems.
  3. Fires be easy... ye make grog extra strong, and use it as a sort of lighter fluid. Den you use flintrock to create a spark... Make sure ye were too drunk on grog or else ye might light your ship a fire!
  4. I am a pirate, 200 years too late.
  5. All I can suggest me matey is to make sure ye have a wooden mug with grog at all times. Will give your costume the touch of detail that will impress all, and keep ye occupied when times get slow! Good luck with the rest of your costume! Hope it turns out great me matey!
  6. Aye, I be a jealous man today. I wish I had me own ship, but I can't afford a ship with me dwindlen' pay as a deck swabber. I hope dee boat turns out gloriously!
  7. *sips grog and admires the fine gold* Aye, tis a nice pile of gold ye got there me matey. Cheers.
  8. Tanks me matey... I was interested in makin' me a good set of clothes, but I needed some help as to how to find such information. I can make good grog, but makin' me own clothes is a new hobby! Arg!
  9. Food does sound really really good. But not quite as good as Me GROG AYE!
  10. What is dee benifit of joinin' a crew. I be a privateer, and am curious as to what dee benifits are of bein' in a crew. Other den makin' grog for me mateys!
  11. Bahhhh... me aztec gold be a bottle o'me famous grog! Aye, tis dee grog dat every sailor wants, and I be makin' plenty! ARG!
  12. Arg, if ye want motivation to write some music... just drink ye some grog! I'll provide it if you be needin'
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