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Stynky Tudor

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Status Updates posted by Stynky Tudor

  1. I'm tired of mucking around in the Pub's server database - I'm going to play Sid Meier's Pirates! . . . again.

    1. Capt Thighbiter

      Capt Thighbiter

      Ah Sid Meyer.. Chew-Bang?

  2. Have a Happy Talk Like A Pyrate Day!

  3. The brain of an ostrich is smaller than it’s eye, so it quickly forgets what it learns...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. peglegstrick


      I work with people like that !!!

    3. Jas. Hook

      Jas. Hook


      Read bottle caps or can't remember doodle??? LOL

    4. peglegstrick


      The latter friend Hook

  4. Find out what it is in life that you do not do well,And then don’t do that thing. . .

    1. Jas. Hook

      Jas. Hook



      Jas. Hook

    2. Ransom


      Gosh, never would have thought of that! LOL

    3. jendobyns


      Got that covered! It's a long list *G*

  5. Cows produce about one-hundred liters of saliva in a day.

    1. peglegstrick


      That's a lot of spit!!!

  6. The Pyracy Pub is back online!

  7. The NEW Gallery should be working. . . I think

  8. is moving around furniture again. . .

    1. Dread Pyrate Greyhound

      Dread Pyrate Greyhound

      Fung Shei or Sleep walking?

  9. I left a birthday poem

    On your FaceBook

    I hope that you, dear sir

    Got to take a look

    You are well loved

    By Brethren true

    Simply because

    You are you

    Happy birthday.

  10. The Pub's server software has been updated and is still being tweaked. Please report any bugs or problems to the Pub Status Forum.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. CharityRackham


      Still love you?

      So far so good. Haven't used the pub on the iPhone or iPad in a while. I'll let you know if something happens.. or more doesn't..

      We do honestly appreciate your efforts... Honestly.. From a bunch of pirates it my not mean much but..

    3. CharityRackham


      Still love you?

      So far so good. Haven't used the pub on the iPhone or iPad in a while. I'll let you know if something happens.. or more doesn't..

      We do honestly appreciate your efforts... Honestly.. From a bunch of pirates it my not mean much but..

    4. CharityRackham


      Ahhh.. Posted that only once. It did nothing. I hit reload. I got a 500 internal error... Then I hit reload until it comes back and it posted a few times.. whoops... I spoke too soon? Does that count?

  11. is back online & getting ready to update the Pub's system software.

  12. "Sticky Fingers Sterling Needs a New Hat"


  13. is closing down his social network web pages in favor of getting back to working and mending on the Pub.

  14. aye this be good grog!!! hahahahaha

  15. Stynky me lad, how be ye? So very fine an honor to be signin' the Leviathan articles with ye. Keep a weather eye, Quicksilver

  16. Considering that it's a "voted-in" position, I'm not sure were actual Pyrate Lords as such. But it tis quite the grand gesture of peer recognition and a welcome honor to accept just the same.

    - Thank You

  17. my email be wmmayhem@yahoo.com

  18. congrats on the pirate lord success, would you happen to have a email addy that I could send you a more proper congrats?

  19. Hatred has its moments!

  20. Aye a bastard indeed and in more ways than just naturally...

  21. 'Ave no worries, Stynky! Fer th pleasure were all yerz, I me ta meself, sez I! I'm pleased for the time we did have and will have over the horizon.

  22. Glad to have met you in person at PIP. Thanks for all you do to hold this Pub together so that we all can keep in touch between gatherings.

  23. Avast! I know ye. Seen ye meself, sez I. Oh ye did, sez you. Right again, Sez I!

  24. Ye hates everyone of us?! No port for you!

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