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About SirJewelsCole

  • Birthday 04/29/1969
  1. Yes sir (or mam if it be pertainin') it seems like just yesterday that I made fer the port that held such fine folks that aye ave' all but let me ship tew rot tew the ribs. What brought you ere' and if ye remember, how'd ye find this heaven in the middle of the vast ocean? Aye tip me hat tew all of you ......and scream and yell and fart and belch rather disgustingly.... scratch me bum just so, pick me nose ,flick em boogys all around and be very very, very glad that aye am a Pirate!
  2. What an excellent link that be! Aye always be searchin' fer some new items.
  3. Hawkyns, That should be inscribed on a stone er somthin' somewhere. Well said. piratelassie, lets not ferget doin' away wit the rest of the film crew and oh ! even better we can arrange some kind of luncheon or the like where all of the hollywood big wigs will come out with thier blasted cameras and we could make a huge production out of it. Then we could stuff it down the viewers throats for like two months before it is due tew air, showin' all of the greatest kill scenes so nobody really needs tew watch it. Then, when t's actually set tew come on we will just pull it off the air n'go on account with thier ship.
  4. Aye think it be a pathetic program and aye be offended that PBS has stooped so low tew be arin' such bildge muck. We ave' been bombarded with reality tv and quite frankly its all pretty bad. TV was once and still is for some tew escape reality. Thats what it purpose be. Not tew mention all of the gold coin aye paid in tribute all of the years in order tew keep Sesame Street on the air. There'll be no more of that! Shame on PBS! says aye. Iffin' any of ye be thinkin' about avin' pirates on a reality show it should be them a huntin' down all of the players on the shows an ........ take their sharp blades and......well you know be piractical
  5. Yep aye too saw his big googles awaitin' his fate in the courtroom. I said 'Look! there is Scupper!".
  6. Scupper, It be kind of like when someone says "I'll be watchin you" and really mean it. So what it be that Sir Jewels tryin' tew say is that " Aye'll be watchin' ye". Aye be figurin' that aye will be seein yer piratey mug in person in the near future an aye wont be avin' tew watch that blasted box! What aye would really like tew know is just how did they fit all those ships and ocean and pirates in that box? *mumble mumble mumble* walking out scratching head "aye gotta lay off the grog".... *mumble mumble mumble*
  7. Well the evening started just fine with the exception of me losin' me marble. Aye think it be down thar! Just incase you be wonderin' that be Merry Death And ere' we ave' Merry and Dark Rose. Then we ave Capt. Morgan gettin' his goin' away present. A black silky thingy came out of that thar Victoria Secret Baggy....... It was a flag gutter head. And not just any flag. It was a US Marine Corp flag complete with "Mess with the Best , Die like the rest" splayed across it and a mighty proud skull n' crossbones tew top it off. Semper Fi me brother and give em hell! Now this be almost the whole Chicago crew...... some of ye others need tew get out more often and stop poundin' on that thar keyboard. We got here from left tew right on the top Capt. Morgan, Sir Jewels Cole, Dark Rose, and on the botton we ave' Lady Caroline(watch it she has dreams of becoming quartermaster, somethin' tew do with the cat), Merry Death (aye never did find me marble), and Deb.
  8. And a arr! tew you sir.
  9. Merry do you know how many heads will be attendin' ? Aye be trundlin' some goodies in me trunk and aye was a needin' tew know just how big of a trunk aye be needin'.
  10. Aye'll be there. I insist that we meet.
  11. Well aye must say it finds me great joy tew see that aye ave' found me a bunch of great pirates (and people tew, but we dont ave' tew tell). Aye raise me cheap tiki cup filled with navy grog an toast all of ye! It brings a tear tew me eye when aye think back when aye was a rouge, alone sailin' the waters fer what seemed like years when alas! me lookout spot'ed land! It was but a small island that we could hardly make out through the clouds but we made fer it. By mid-afternoon we dropped anchor an me crew was carousin' about town. Aye made me way tew the pub and comes tew find me the greatest bunch of scallywags a sailor could ever find himself amongst. Now it be lookin' as if me ships rotted up from layin at anchor fer so long and it doesnt seem that aye'll be goin' anywhere any time soon, so yer all stuck wit me till then!
  12. Miss Maggie, What "piece" are ye referin'? Aye would love tew know as aye sit ere' sort of celebratin' me 35th. Thought aye ave' become quite an eclectic music buff an aye cant say aye be knowin' that one. Although! aye do be knowin' "New Orleans-Works Vol. 1, disk 2 by Carl Palmer. But New Orleans be me home port so aye should.
  13. Well as long as ye be avin' them directions.......aye guess nekkid twister it is.
  14. Now how does aye know where tew put me feet an fins on that game when all those spots be black?
  15. And dont be fergettin' that Sir Jewels be celebratin' his 35th that weekend. Actually it be on the 29th but aye cant think of a better way tew be gettin' all debauch and actin' a fool with a bunch of me hearties!!!!!!!!!!!
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