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    Sacramento, Ca.
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    Ahoy thar! I be a professional Pirate Costumed character. 'tis be somethin' that I have be doin' fer 'bout 10 years now 'n has evolved to a art that I really heartly enjoy doin'. I also collect many replica items from the Pirates of the caribbean movies.
    I am currently working on putting together a movie accurate Hector Barbossa costume. All I need now is the Jacket and vest complete with buttons.

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  1. I be selling my Barbossa Skull butt piece for the British dragoon pistol and possably all the teardrop pieces and barrel piece. Solid brass and will fit on yer Dragoon flintlock with little modification. PM me for details. Here are some pictures fer yer viewing pleasure...
  2. BeatrixKovacsRobertKovacs

    Barbossa adventures

    Barbossa adventures
  3. Here is what I've been up to fer quite some time now.To build a movie accurate and working Captain Barbossa flintlock pistol. I have the resin casting of the actual pistol and I've been slowly casting parts and pieces from it fer my real flintlock... I had a brass casting made of the sideplate fer my British dragoon. I'st piece o' many to be made fer this gun....
  4. Thank ye mate! It has taken me a long time and even more luck and persistance to get what I have. I may not look like barbossa but I love his look! Gevannia has been quite elusive! It took me months of research to find her, allow me to shed some light fer ye all who are intrested in some items from her. Her emil is: jlaconte@cox.net also, I'll be selling my Barbossa Skull butt piece for the British dragoon pistol and possably all the teardrop pieces. Solid brass and will fit on yer Dragoon flintlock with little modification. PM me for details.
  5. And lastly my Pistols.. Jack's is the MR. Barbossa pistol is a resin casting of the screen used pistol.
  6. Here be another picture of me. Everything is as close to movie accurate as possable. Ye don't be needing facebook to see all my Barbossa wares. Here it be: https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-pirate-Captain-Cervantes/173702116056189
  7. Well this thread really died now didn't it..... It took a long time but after months and months of persistant work I finally found Gevannia and got the item I wanted. That was back in Feb. Since then I have gotten everything that captain Barbossa has, including his working pistol :) Pics are on my Facebook page.
  8. Ahoy thar mates! Well since Gevannia is not to be found, I have taken on making these belt buckles myself. each one is individually hand cut from a solid piece of brass or copper and hammered for that aged and hammered look. Buckle is approximately 2-1/4" wide x 1-1/4" high made fer a 3/4" belt. more Pictures of this fyne product can be seen on my facebook link. and I also have one barbossa belt buckle replica that was worn in POTC 1st move, also cut from solid brass and aged to give it that old used look. The pirate Captain Cervantes look at me page at: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/The-pi ... 2116056189 T
  9. Ahoy there! I'd like to buy a Hector Barbossa belt buckle and possably other Barbossa items that was up for sale on here a while ago, but the user, "Gevannia" who was selling them, is nowhere to be found. Any ideas on how I may get in contact with her or anyone else who might have a similar belt buckle for sale? also, as long as I'm on the topic, I am very intrested in buying a close to movie accurate Hector Barbossa coat, any ideas? -Robert
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