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Everything posted by Tempest Fitzgerald
Very Interesting, Foxe! You have enlightened me further and one can never have to much familiarity with said subjects. Thank you for your studious pursuits.
*The lull of the sparse wake caused by the "Watch Dog's" forward movement had dispersed as the galleon moved onward to the cove, a bright glint of sun reflecting as a wink from a polished surface, from the aft. Time's existance was marked only by the call of seabirds and the intensity of the sun above which was doing its best to cook what exposed flesh was offered to its whimsy. The glare and heat radiating from above was bordering on discomfort, when the Surgeon crack an eyelid to see that the galleon's ornate stern was further away than thought and heeling towards the shoreline. Leaving the prone position upon the fluid bed, she dove below to cool to return treading the surface. A fleeting impression secured the knowlege that gaining the ship was a rediculous concept, so to shore it would be. The familiar jeer of the Avian Native called from above as she turned to make progress to the near distant shoreline.
It is to my understanding in regard to research that I have done in the past, that the original "colors" coming into play were that of a solid red field with no adornment and have noted reference to a solid black field, as well. These used well before the adorned flags that most are familiar with. (The red signaling "no quarter", the black signaling "death".) I have seen reference to the red flag being called the Joli Rouge, a French term meaning "pretty red". There are certain schools of thought that theorize the term, "Jolly Roger" is an evolution from the french term in origin.
George Carlin
Meat Loaf
Bless you, William!! I have always had a certain fondness for quiche, a double share, please sir...
Elenore Rigby
The reflection of sun on the wavelets below echoed the image of a thousand diamonds as the Surgeon paced the legnth of Main deck. Offshore breezes had picked up, but this had little effect upon the balminess hanging the air with persistance. Unconciously she wiped the sheen of persiration from brow, eyes searching the shallow depths surrounding the ship's girth. Trekking towards the bow and fo'c's'le, her focus lay intently upon the waters surround, not finding satisfaction for the lightness of hue nearby. A local avian hung in the updraft, jeering to those below before folding wings to drop with rapidity, plunging with expertise to disapear somewhere beyond the bowsprit. Climbing to the raised deck and passing the Foremast, she stopped her progress as her eyes fell upon what she had been questing...There...two points to starboard, the pale shallow of aqua changed its tint to a richer saphire. Climbing over the Fore rail with a dance of balance, the small bare feet touched the angle of bowsprit. A childish joy washed over her features and with an homage to the seabird moments before, she pushed off the worn plane of worked wood to the semi-cool of liquid salt below. Tiny colorful residents scattered to the disturbance, leaving no trace of their former placement. With deft agility she change direction to gain the air border above, breaking the surface to tread. The decks looming overhead were summoned to life by the piping of meal's preperation, the scurry of feet beating the wooden surface in the Galley's direction. Having no pang of hunger, her mind dismissed the call. Rolling to lay sideways stroke, she propelled parallel the massive hull towards the stern and around the rudder to view the cove's shoreline. The distance to land is considered then dismissed with a roll backwards to float the stern's shadow.
//"No, Doctor. It won't inconvenience anyone. We have no such use for space, since we have no such officers and are not likely to. The Watch Dog is a converted Merchantman and therefore, she has a smaller gun deck and most of the walls aft are permanent. A true frigate oft times has walls that can be removed, but the Watch Dog is no true frigate. As for my quarters, they are fixed, as are most of the rooms aft."// Very well then. I shall assume that this undertaking will occure after the careening has been finished.Thank you for your generosity, sir. I am sure the extra elbow room in both cases shall be a very rewarding change. //"We may choose to change the nature of the cabins at some future time, but for the present I would rather see the surgery made adequate for our wounded should there be any." // To your credit, William...I must compliment you on your dedication and concern for the crew of this vessel. A sense of compassion is a rare thing residing in the hearts and minds of those in power. Tis a truth that you never cease to amaze me with your qualities. It gladdens me that you have chosen to accept your newly appointed mantle of office and I have every confidence that you will judge well under future circumstances that will present themselves. //"(William thanks the Doctor again and goes above decks)"// ************************************************************ *Watching after for a moment she then sits to scribe the current entry into the Medical Log. Quill poised above the clean page, she catches her Steward in peripheral view and smiles* Armand, would you be so kind as to retrieve a bottle of muscat from the trunk...and two glasses if you would care to join me. I shall relate to you the changes affecting us in the near future. Merci, mon ami.
Bull Durham (I hate when they get the words wrong...)
Prime, sir...prime indeed. I am pleased that I could be of aid. *Reaching for the medical log, she pauses as the Captain lingers at the thresh hold.* Moving? But, William...Should not those quarters be left to those who would be appointed to them? I have no desire to be an inconvienece to those who are deserving. If it is your wish, than I shall accept the larger acomodations with gratitude, as long as there are no problems to arise at a later time from doing so... As to the larger work space and its location...Better lighting and access to a greater quantity of air would be accomplished by that measure of construction. Now, I am no great expert on the doings of the Gunroom, but are you certain that this will not cause problems with its functioning? Please have patience with my questions, for it is healing that I know...not the acts of war and combat. *Weak smile* All of this shifting about is not going to cause issues with your personal quarters, I should hope. I understand that many of the standing walls are simply partitions and can be removed, but I have no wish to take away space from your Great Cabin or the Gunroom...I do prattle on. You do as you see fit and I will abide your choices. As I said, I am but a healer.
(William walks over to the chair and laying his coat and shirt aside, he rest himself in the chair.) I believe my neck and shoulder is the cause of the trouble, but mostly it is the neck. All of the pain and discomfort has settled in the larboard side making it difficult to turn me head to starboard. If it doesn't resolve itself soon I shall drift to the left. *Chuckling* I cannot see where such listing should prove of benefit. *With gentle care, runs her hands over the afflicted areas to see where the tauntness begins and where it radiates to. Applying the balm and pressure she steadily kneads the areas where the knoting is most obvious and works outward to where the tauntness dissipates* Do not fall asleep on me now, William. I fear my small frame would not be enough to keep you from toppling off your perch. You should feel a heating sensation for a brief of time as the balm works its magic. I do not feel anything of major wrong...simply a case of muscular protest to an overlong held position through the night. *Continues to work the muscles for twenty minutes, then checks the tauntness of the once afflicted areas and stands back with approval* Good as new, or perhaps even better...I did notice areas that seemed to echo old injuries and have worked their offences to the wayside. Check back with me if they should flare again. As you were, my dear.
"Home and Away"
Beamish Stout
Squirrel Rifle
*Having refilled the cup with fresh coffee, she notices footsteps enter the Ward and glances over the rim mid-sip and quickly swallows, placing the cup to the side* Ahh William, I had not expected you so soon...No matter. Please have a seat here by the desk and remove your shirt. *Removing a set of keys hanging around her neck, unlock the three barriers to the massive chest containing medicinals. Retrieving a clay pot from the depths with a nod, she opens the fastened lid. The aroma permiates the air as she sets it down.* Now sir, do tell where your discomfort lies...
Reuger Convertable
*Laughes at Mister Johnson's remark* Well then sir....I shall tell you that my prowess involving the application of sutures would make the Ladies of the English and French court's stitching circles green with envy. But do take care... As you wish, Captain... *Notices her cup is empty* You will excuse me then. For it seems that my cup has lost its contents...I shall be in the Ward if needed.
Londoner....(over and under flintlock, two barrels)
*Centering on the Captain* The Master Gunner is well at ease and being watched by my Steward. I do suggest that he not be troubled overmuch with queries. Perhaps the Gunner's Mate would be of service to the needs of Mister Nicholas? As to your discomfort, the application of the balm in question is a brief procedure and its affects are rather immediate. I am at your service, as always. Mister Johnson...You are one to flatter my station, though I do thank you for your kind observation. As to getting banged up a bit...I fear I tend to deal with such circumstances of whimsy on a steady basis. I can assure you that I can remedy such nearly blindfolded. *Smiles warmly with a slight bow*
Turning from the starboard rail and sipping from the morning ritual* Good morn to you as well, Monsigner. Tis a fine presentation of temperature as can be wished for the process of awakening. *Takes in the newest recruite and moves from the rail to closer proximity addressing the Captain* The office suites you well, I do believe. There seems a certain glow permiating from your person, not there before. I give you heartfelt joy in your raise of status, sir. As for the angst of your neck, there is a herbal medicinal balm in my possession that would aleaviate you discomfort in a short of time. *Centering on Mister Johnson* Good morn to you, Mister Johnson. May I extend my welcome to you with your choice of signing on. I am the Ship's Physician and Surgeon, at your service if need arises. Please never hesitate no matter how small the complaint.