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Jonny Ardan

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  1. i was in vegas this past summer for a wedding of a cousin. (not the typical "let's run off to vegas," they actually live there) and i got to see the show. twice in fact. first from far away back where the men's ship starts, and the second from right up close where i actually got hit by a splash of water. good show. not period, and not plausible. but good show. loved the sinking ship and the cannon fire! even got my 84 year old grandmother to stand and watch it. i even got to witness my very lutheran, very conservative, very moral grandmother play the slot machines and actually win 300 dollars! was a trip to say the least!
  2. even if he has a short with a theme similar to the movie...who has seen it? has anyone seen it? where is it? why doesn't he let people see it? i think he has didley squat, and is probably trying to make a short film with an old camera in hopes that he can get into a court room and show it. he's just a money grubbing modern pirate who needs a severe fonging and yeah...no one can get johnny depp's attention! he doesn't give two cents about the idiotic ravings of imbicils. this guy is just looking for media coverage and attention...
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