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Everything posted by landlubbersanonymous

  1. Well, we didn't get the deviled eggs we'd hoped for, but.... the tide did bring in a most wonderful handmade leather replica Whydah cartouche box. Special thanks go to a landlocked fellow adventurer. :)
  2. Ahoy Elena! Happy to hear packet received. Yes, diapositive, (positive slide film). They are pieces from motion picture footage. I shall pm you regarding the framing, storage and uses. - Eric & Lubbers
  3. That's Mossimo with a second "m." Sorry, my bad. Also, I did not see these at Target last year. I don't know if they've been discontinued or not. We'll check again this Fall. They do show up on U.S. eBay. They have a distinctive zig-zag patterned band on the crown that's easily removed. And if that's not confusing enough... there's also a similar line called "Missoni." (Missoni is actually the one with the zig-zag band. Mossimo are normally plain.)
  4. That's Mossimo with a second "m." Sorry, my bad. Also, I did not see these at Target last year. I don't know if they've been discontinued or not. We'll check again this Fall. They do show up on U.S. eBay. They have a distinctive zig-zag patterned band on the crown that's easily removed.
  5. Jake - If you're not already using it, check out the "Parents Guide" for individual film titles at the Internet Movie Database. (They're currently located on the right side of a movie's main page in the "Quick Links" section.) Not all films there have a Parents Guide but many do and these provide hints as to what to expect in a feature. The missus and I use 'em regularly. ie. The Bounty (1984)... http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0086993/parentalguide?ref_=tt_ql_7
  6. On behalf of the washed/unwashed swine who enjoy gaining enlightenment from said images, we thank you!
  7. Glad we caught this. We'll pass the word along.
  8. PISSSSSSSSSSS (Edit: Had to go bold with that color for visibility.)
  9. Reads like an ad from an early 80's Soldier of Fortune mag but smells more like malarkey than entrapment.
  10. Pair of Dutch shoes c1700. (Difficulty posting image.) http://pyracy.com/index.php/gallery/image/7293-dutch-shoes-c1700/
  11. landlubbersanonymous

    Old Things

    Images depicting material items in use from the 16th-18th centuries.
  12. From the album: Old Things

    A pair of well preserved shoes reportedly recovered from a fishing vessel that sank in Holland's Zuiderzee in 1700.
  13. :::Ooooh the guilt.::::
  14. From the album: Replicas/Modern Renderings of Old Things

    Pair o' Landlubbers 2013. (Photo courtesy of "Junebug" Blair.)

    © Junebug Blair 2013

  15. Happy Birthday sir.
  16. Happy Birthday sir.
  17. Happy belated birthday madame. ('twas yesterday for me fellow slackers.)
  18. :::'ave a glass riding a coaster as we speak.::: Happy belated sir.
  19. Thanks for tip D. Pretty decent I thought for an older picture on a budget. Potential for a remake if executed with some sincerity. Hehe. Let's not sugar coat it Mister Jib. It's an abomination. and one of the best fight scene I've ever seen on film! Rob vs. Archie! Ditto that.
  20. Mission - Sans Stynky, Foxe, GOF, and perhaps a handful of others, you're the closest thing to authority most of us will ever need or want. I believe it reasonable to say that the vast majority on this here forum would entrust no one other than yourself, regionally or internationally, with an inquiry or the treatment of a toothache, a case of pox... or any number of afflictions for that matter be they physical, philosophical or spiritual.
  21. "Life's an obituary waiting to happen." Came up with this one this morning. Just have to work out the graphic. Or maybe we'll run with it as is.
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